Game of Thrones Season 3 Spoilers

Game of Thrones Season 3 Spoilers

Game of Thrones Season 3 Spoilers

Episode 4 of Season 3 is my favourite of the whole series.  One of the scenes in particular is very ApWo and that is the one beyond the Wall.  Shortly after the Black Watch burn one of their fallen comrades, we have Craster sitting in his throne eating a pig’s foot while Lord Mormont is writing a letter.  Karl and Rast are disgruntled Black Watch members.

In terms of ApWo, Craster is the Hard-holder, Mormont is the Chopper with the Black Watch as his gang, and Karl happens to be the Touchstone.

Craster wants the Black Watch to go away and stop eating his food.  Mormont says they’ll go when the wounded are better.  Craster says he should just kill the wounded and offers to do it for him.  It would have been a Manipulate roll but Karl intervenes.

Karl and Rast are tired of Craster eating like a king while they starve.  Mormont uses Pack Alpha to order them to wait outside but misses the roll…the MC will get back to him…

Karl and Rast complain about what they are getting and they know Craster must have food stashed away for winter.  They want some of that food.  It is a Manipulate roll but they miss and the MC puts them on the spot.

Craster is offended by them stealing the food he needs for his women and grabs an axe off the wall and orders them out or he’ll kill them.  It’s a Go Aggro roll and he gets a full success.  The Black Watch can cave and go away hungry or force Craster’s hand.  

Karl chooses to force it, and so Craster dishes out harm.  Unfortunately for him, Karl succeeds on his Indomitable move, and takes no harm.  He immediately Siezes Craster’s life by Force, gets a partial hit and chooses to inflict terrible harm and suffer little harm.  Craster is dead.

Karl then Goes Aggro on one of the women to force her to show him where the food is but gets only a partial hit.  Instead of barricading herself in, Mormont steps in to defend her.  He draws his sword and tries to Go Aggro to get his gang back in line but the MC still has his earlier failure to deal with and Rast makes his bid for leadership by inflicting harm.  Mormont goes down.

And then the pack of fucking heyenas goes wild.