I started a campaign with a new group using the structured introduction and it went pretty well, until the second…

I started a campaign with a new group using the structured introduction and it went pretty well, until the second…

I started a campaign with a new group using the structured introduction and it went pretty well, until the second training mission, which turned out to be an utter disaster.

The lead plane, already damaged, barely made the wayfind roll and choose enemy fire as a consequence. The pilot then failed which placed them in pretty bad shape. Nevertheless, they decided to do the attack run, the pilot rolling a two before tempting fate and taking all the mission pool to succeed. The second plane’s navigator had a great roll, but the attack run turned out to be another failure. Tempting fate also proved to be a failure, which led to a plane on fire with one airwoman leaping to her death and another dying in burning wreck. After which the first planed attempted its wheels down, the pilot rolling another two, resulting in both airwomen dying in the crash.

At that point I was afraid they would not want to continue, but they took it in good cheer and we are gearing up for Duty Station 2.

3 thoughts on “I started a campaign with a new group using the structured introduction and it went pretty well, until the second…”

  1. Yikes! Hopefully they will approach the actual war with an appreciation of how savage failure is. It really isn’t a game where you should get in the habit of pushing your luck – missions should be really, really conservative – get there, do your job, and go home. If you screw up minimize the damage and take the heat back at the airbase. Build up your mission pool and use it wisely. 

  2. With only my character surviving, I’ve handed off GMing to one of the players.

    Having seen first hand the results of recklessness during training, Liza will do her best to instill some sense of preservation in the new recruits!

    More at the end of the month and thank you for the advice. 😉

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