Hi Hamish.

Hi Hamish.

Hi Hamish… I don’t know if you have any proper process for pointing out editing errors, but a couple of things I spotted while reading the latest 0.6 version…

#1. On page 11/12, you have a particular example under avoiding confusion between moves (e.g “mix it up” vs “help”). On page 35, you have what’s obviously the same example for “help” (almost word-for-word), but the character names have changed (Zero and Oakley, vs Hoot and Alif).

#2. On page 30/31, the text for “hit the street” says “7-9: choose two from the list”, but the example shows the characters picking 3 from the list. I’m not clear whether it should be pick 2 or pick 3?

12 thoughts on “Hi Hamish.”

  1. That’s what I was guessing… creating three complications off a single move puts a bit of pressure on the MC to actually make them all happen.

  2. One other possible editing error. On page 66, the Drone Jockey move includes the fragment “For each point of Power, choose a strength; For each point of Looks, choose a look; For each point of Weakness, choose a weakness.”

    There’s no other mention of Power/Looks/Weakness for drones (and strengths/looks/weaknesses are allocated by size category), so I’m guessing this is an overlooked remnant of an earlier version of the Drone Jockey rules that more resembled the Wheels move. Or am I misunderstanding something?

  3. Wow. That’s a mistake that’s been there for a while, unspotted in multiple editing passes and unreported by several drone-using playtesters! It’s like finding buried treasure! Thanks!

  4. No problem. I vaguely recall noticing it as an oddity in one of the early releases, but I’m doing a more thorough read of the 0.6 version, and figured I’d take the time to query anything I saw that didn’t quite look right.

  5. Oh, and while not an error, there was one other thing I was meaning to comment on. Under some of the MC advice, you have this line:

    “the MC’s agenda is not to kill the characters. You are not competing with the players”

    The double meaning in there really cracked me up when I first read it…

  6. Was that not intentional? On face value, the second sentence is simply a reminder that the MC isn’t playing against the players… but taken in combination with the first sentence, it suggests that the players need no assistance at getting characters killed…

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