We have a question what the hell is the Bond threshold, is that the limit of bonds the player has, when they roll 10…

We have a question what the hell is the Bond threshold, is that the limit of bonds the player has, when they roll 10…

We have a question what the hell is the Bond threshold, is that the limit of bonds the player has, when they roll 10 they get a plus 1 to that bond, does the threshold go up as well?

4 thoughts on “We have a question what the hell is the Bond threshold, is that the limit of bonds the player has, when they roll 10…”

  1. The Bond Threshold is set at character creation and only changes if a character spends Advancement Points on it. It’s how many Bonds a character can have at any given time. If they’re already at their limit and they choose to up a Bond instead of something else their Bond Threshold doesn’t go up to accommodate that so they might as well choose to do something else, or not be shy about spending Bond Points so they aren’t always at max.

  2. Based on that is it correct to say that the Bond Threshold is a cap on the number of bond ‘points’, not individual named bonds?  So a character with Bond: City 3 and Bond: Police 2 would count as 5 against the threshold, not 2?  If that is the case, do negative bonds offset your positive ones or do they count as positive for purposes of determining if you have reached your Threshold?  For example, If you character has Bond: City 3, Bond: Police 2 and Bond: Smashman -1 does that count as 4 vs. threshold or 6?

  3. Blair Monroe Right. Cap on the numbers themselves; you can distribute the points as you like and write down as many as you like as well. Negatives Bonds are possible and don’t count towards the max either. So the total number of Bonds that can be Burned basically, since you can’t Burn negative ones (or Burn one at zero either). Any Bond that is positive counts towards your total – so in your example, you’d have 5 Bonds towards your threshold of 6. Hope that clears things up!

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