In the NPC section, therules talks about weakness and special abilities for NPC.

In the NPC section, therules talks about weakness and special abilities for NPC.

In the NPC section, therules talks about weakness and special abilities for NPC. This make me think about how to treat weakness and special abilities for PC. Let it out is a very good way to treat powers that PC don’t have explicitly in their character sheet (for example: Supersenses for vampires and walking through walls for specters). But what about weakness? The sun for vampires, Cold iron for Faes? As a GM I just need to introduce these things like threats? For example if Fae face a mortal armed with a cold iron weapon and the character want to escape ask him to keep his cool and go on? The sun for vampires could be a great and automatical source of damage and blessed water a pain in the ass for tainted?

Finally, how to treat damage for specter. If a Specter is not material, material weapon shouldn’t cause damage to him, right?

2 thoughts on “In the NPC section, therules talks about weakness and special abilities for NPC.”

  1. I think a lot of that needs to be covered as custom moves that are the result of established fiction. The group needs to have a few conversations at the beginning of the game about how a lot of the supernatural stuff works. 

    Last session in my game, we had to do a brief discussion about how our Vampires reacted to sunlight: it was a debate between the classic “burst into flames” and the more Anne Rice “turn into ash”.

    Turn into ash won (sadly, imo). When it comes up, we can establish exactly how that effects a PC. THere’s a good guideline in the Fae sheet:

    Everyone’s Got One: Touch someone and mark corruption to declare one of their vulnerabilities. All damage from that source (fire, steel, iron, etc.) is treated as +1 harm and ap.

    It’s a good go-to for weaknesses like Holy Water or Silver if they’ve been established in-fiction as weaknesses. 

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