Luka obviously has been reading his 2nd Ed. PDF. :)

Luka obviously has been reading his 2nd Ed. PDF. 🙂

Luka obviously has been reading his 2nd Ed. PDF. 🙂

Originally shared by Luka Rejec

We stopped at the Third Watchtower of the Cisternites, built on a Longago iron ship that must have fallen from the sky and been stranded here, surrounded by red gorse and heather. It’s the edge of the Red Tundra we must watch out for, they said. The ice comes in nine stages here, and the Fifth and the Seventh annihilate the soul.

An odd man was there, with his iron coach. Driverman Jack they said he was, of himself he said he was an ambulance driver.

We took our leave and continued on to the Black Pyramid, following the Clan star chart, avoiding the silvery dunes of ice lice.