First draft for the first 2 ship types.

First draft for the first 2 ship types.

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

First draft for the first 2 ship types. The traditional smuggler ship with a large amount of debt, and the new Predator, a ship of dangerous and professional mercenaries, with a nemesis they are in open conflict with.

The Ships having slightly different moves and different upgrade modules is really saving on space and making them feel more unique.

I have a Normandy-style spy/special agents stealth/duty ship planned, a larger vessel with a “soldiers in a losing war ” theme, and a straight up marauder pirate bad guys ship planned.

#impulsedrive #misfitsandspaceships #PBTA #apocalypseworld #RPG #Space #Scifi

6 thoughts on “First draft for the first 2 ship types.”

  1. Graham Spearing How far away is revelation? I’ll see if I can get a working PDF up before then. The main book hasn’t got the changes in it yet, it’s always the last part to be modified.

  2. So, this seems like it will change things a lot. The verbs, the theme and feel of a game (and even the potential to change those things) will now be very dependent on the players’ choice of ship. Whether that feels more like a restriction or a focusing, I don’t know. Some dislike Uncharted Worlds due to it trying to be too universal and open-ended, lacking that focus that makes PbtA games shine.

    It seems like this change could let ID run multiple types of focused space games. If that’s the route you want to take, I think a lot of the rest of the game might need some substantial changes.

  3. David Perry yeah, when it comes to the debt and commerce moves there are some things that I’ll have to take a closer look when it comes to certain ship archetypes – particularly if the crew is part of a larger more structured organisation. It’s part of the reason why the end of a mission is moving to a ship centric move.

    The really tricky part will be keeping the feel that the characters have all been pushed to the edge of civilised society for some ship playbooks. This may end up determining what are default playbooks and what are bonus or dlc playbooks because the have a larger suite of replacement moves.

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