Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

Synopsis of Session 0 of my new Online Uncharted Worlds campaign.

In our first ever session of the Uncharted Worlds: A Journey Into the Unknown, we established a ragtag group of mercenaries, pirates and profiteers hell-bent on taking advantage of a weak and war-torn system. During this session, we created characters (mostly) and played out the beginning of our Heros’ first adventure: the acquisition of a space ship from the run-down remants of Theta station.

We jumped right into the action under the bubble shield on the main level of the Theta Station platform. Sven, Harland and Thanatos all stood together among ships of all shapes and sizes, all of them in disrepair and mired with wear and tear and damage. Sven and his accomplices, a group of rough and tumble mercenaries who he had persuaded quite convincingly to leave their own criminal enterprises for a promising share in adventure, riches, and notoriety.

Immediately, the group made note of 5 security bots watching them and their unusually well-equipped squad. Taking note of this, both Thanatos ( a tall, grizeled mercenary with a penchant for violence) and Harland Briggs (a smug and inventive technomancer with a knack for the unexpected) made their best attempts to remain unseen as they split from the group. Unfortunately, Thanatos’ skills lay elsewhere, and his large frame and errant feet caused him to fall in front of the attentive robots, who, sensing a possible threat, scanned him thoroughly before moving back to their posts. Meanwhile, Harland’s wiles and a murmured paradox allowed him to move past undetected and begin his own efforts on the nearest computer terminal: a barely functioning piece of machinery he was nevertheless able to use to infiltrate and hijack the poorly protected computers system of the station.

With the surveillance robots following, the rest of the group followed his instructions and shared data to the elevator that would lead them to their vaunted prize: the most expensive craft on the station, an Alton Cruiser on the lower levels of the station. However, they quickly came across unforeseen complications.

A duo of security guards met them at the elevator and asked for identification. Due to the less than legitimate means the group had entered the station, they were unable to comply, and Thanatos, itching for a fight, began the hostilities. Between the combined firepower of the heroes and their allies, they were able to incapacitate and dispatch all 5 of the security droids as well as killing the remaining guard, but not without consequence. A missed electric shot struck Thanatos, paralyzing his legs temporarily and causing him to pulse with hot and damaging electricity,.

From there, they were able to override the lift’s main systems and use it to descend several levels, all the while attempting to care for Thanatos in his injured condition. After bypassing a level full of unguarded cargo, the characters made their way down to the correct elevation of the craft’s hangar area and made haste, as it was clear that the authorities were making their best attempt to override the hijacked server. Instead of choosing the longer way around, they decided to risk a quicker, yet more dangerous route to their destination through corridors and areas of incredible rot and disrepair.

During that time, they encountered a strange organism equal parts cybernetic and gooey organic, which they quickly dispatched without a second thought before continuing on. With the use of their remaining administrative access, they were able to traverse the remaining distance to their destination by disabling the gravity systems and floating over several chasms and pits that blocked their way.

Eventually, the party’s journey came to an end in a hangar dominated by the Alton cruiser, a savage looking craft with two tusk-like protrusions on either side of its body, reminiscent of the ancient Alton raiders. However, standing in front of it, armed to the teeth, is an old friend of Sven’s dressed in crimson syndicate garb. “We’ve been expecting you.” he says with a carniverious smile.

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