I’m curious and looking to pass the time until release: what’s everyone’s favorite Playbook?

I’m curious and looking to pass the time until release: what’s everyone’s favorite Playbook?

I’m curious and looking to pass the time until release: what’s everyone’s favorite Playbook? It surprised me to see which ones my players gravitated to versus the ones I love.

7 thoughts on “I’m curious and looking to pass the time until release: what’s everyone’s favorite Playbook?”

  1. The runaway favorite of the bunch is The Vessel for me, personally. It’s clear that whoever wrote it loves Promethean: the Created quite a bit, and managed to stuff everything amazing about that game into a two-page playbook. I love everything about it, and snuck one in as an NPC in my campaign who I adore.

    Runner-up is The Fae, though as a huge fan of ageless characters and especially mummies The Immortal is calling out to me. I’d also feel guilty if I didn’t mention that The Veteran’s “Catch You Fuckers At A Bad Time?” is easily the single best Move in the game.

  2. I’m a classic arcane-antihero player, so i gravitate towars the Tainted quickly.

    The Fae and the Wizard also atract me.

    Most used playbooks in my group are the Wolf, the Hunter and the Wizard. With some Faes and Veterans.

  3. I’m having a blast playing a Hunter. He’s been raised to take over from his mother, and she’s had no daughters to pass the vampire hunter training on (it’s traditionally matrilineal in this game). Raised Muslim but mostly agnostic, he goes to the Islamic center for the social aspect (like no-longer-believing Christians who go to services for the same reason). What money he has he pours into his safehouse, weapons, and Dodge Challenger (the game’s in Detroit). Like a lot of hunters, he’s a little focused on his quarry,

  4. Before the new book, I had a middling interesting in several playbooks like the Wizard, the Veteran, and the Aware. Since Dark Streets, however, it is hands down the Scholar. It hits all of the beats I love in an archetype (cool device-based abilities, built around being smart and an essential part of a large group, while still being a little bit shady). The fact that they get the Wizard’s channel at higher levels of Advancement is just a bonus.

    Now to just be able to play it…

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