Questions on Suffer Great Harm:

Questions on Suffer Great Harm:

Questions on Suffer Great Harm:

1. As you defer the roll until mission are completed, presumably this means that you can’t go out in a blaze of glory during a mission in which a PC suffers Critical harm. Is that right?

2. What is meant by “On a hit, suffer harm as the MC feels is appropriate”? Is that meant for when a circumstance occurs that should kill a character, as Critical harm is a defined level of harm.

8 thoughts on “Questions on Suffer Great Harm:”

  1. I take 2. to mean that the MC may impose harm UP TO AND INCLUDING killing the character, but that need not necessarily be fatal- this allows the MC to impose a “hard move” (ala AW) that could have narrative consequences, such as crippling injury, capture, or even collateral damage.

  2. Giving the MC those choices would seem to run counter to the player’s choice in that move.

    Reading it again, I wonder if its referring to this which happens after the move: “it is the MC’s choice whether their harm is reduced to Wounded or they remain at Critical”

  3. Point 1: You can totally go out in a blaze of glory. Missions are all described after all the rolls are made, then you fill in what happened. If you suffered great harm and died as a result, that’s going to be the main event of that mission for sure.

    Point 2: It means the MC can have you mark off Hurting and/or Wounded as they see fit, if they weren’t marked off already, that is.. If you’re uninjured and Suffer Great Harm and roll a 10+, you’re not walking away unscathed unless the MC says you are; otherwise you’ll get a harm or two as a side effect. Make sense?

  4. What Drew said! But also, when I’ve run a mission where a PC has died, I’ve actually handed the narration over to them after minimally sketching out the outline of the mission based on rolls, then let that player narrate the rest. I might interject with some questions for other PCs about their reactions, but that’s it. It’s worked pretty well the few times I’ve encountered it.

  5. Thanks everyone. That makes sense. Missions are explained toward the back of the book, so when I first read the Harm move I couldn’t make sense of it 🙂

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