Loving reading the section Resist the Shadow right now.

Loving reading the section Resist the Shadow right now.

Loving reading the section Resist the Shadow right now. Prior to the final version of the game being released, I kept envisioning that this move and Toxic Behavior was something that I’d end up having as a discussion at the table, and defined by the table by the players (more so than defined by me, or wholly by the game). I think this cleared up a lot of my unknowns around that concept.

Anyone else have thoughts on this section? Things that have come up that are interesting around it? Gotchas?

2 thoughts on “Loving reading the section Resist the Shadow right now.”

  1. I tend to play stoic and explosive characters and having that kind of traditionally male behaviour being called out as toxic in game was both really interesting and eye-opening. I dug it, a lot.

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