hello guys, im a new player and EIC in WinP.

hello guys, im a new player and EIC in WinP.

hello guys, im a new player and EIC in WinP. I have some questions to do about moves. First is: What difference makes impose a minor or moderate condition on enemies? if i can take them out of scene by just imposing minor conditions, why would i spend more points in the take down move?

3 thoughts on “hello guys, im a new player and EIC in WinP.”

  1. Yeah, depending on the enemy, they will probably shrug off minor conditions pretty easily. The minor condition gang-up is definitely viable, but it usually needs to be a coordinated effort by all the players for it to have lasting effect on a bigger bad.

  2. Enemies can clear minor conditions just as easily as you can. So if you’re only doing minor conditions, you may end up having to inflict way more than their condition threshold because they keep clearing them as fast as you impost them.

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