A couple of NPCs from our game!

A couple of NPCs from our game!

A couple of NPCs from our game! I took a vote from my players and let them all request a couple of popular characters to put in the game, with tweaks, so that they fit in the setting – which is how Stevie Ramsey, our current iteration of Venom, got there! (And yes, they lost their arm in an accident but use the symbiote to grow it back when they’re suited up.)

Then we have my two OCs, Synapse and Magma!

Synapse (Marcus Samson) is a veteran hero, a telekinetic super with some very mild telepathic powers – at most he can read ‘true’ emotions. Which helps a lot in his civilian job – being a therapist. He works mostly with people under 30 and specializes in grief counseling and certain personality disorders. (And he has a therapy cat named Ham, who has a backstory all her own, hah!)

Magma (Ethan Morey) is Synapse’s partner in hero work and at their job. He’s a pyrokinetic similar to Johnny Storm, except his whole body isn’t normally consumed by fire when he’s working. He’s not very creative, and his costume reflects that. Off the hero clock, Ethan is Marcus’ secretary and assistant.

Ethan and Marcus are an active part of the PCs’ lives as of right now, since we’re still in ‘building the context/story’ mode. Marcus is part of the New Hero Initiative, a team of veteran heroes who help gather resources for newbies. And Stevie will be having their own part in the heroes’ story in a few sessions. 😛

These are all really sketchy and messy because I have commissions to work on and can’t spend a lot of time working on personal art. But my players wanted refs of some characters, so I’m picking away at the different NPCs whenever I have 30 minutes to myself. Hope yall enjoy!

2 thoughts on “A couple of NPCs from our game!”

  1. 1of3 Everybody Loves Ham! This is actually a bit of a long story, so buckle up.

    About 4-5 years prior to the current events of our game, Marcus and Ethan faced a very terrible supervillain named Void. (In our game, there’s regular powered villains – people who are doing bad things with their powers. Supervillains are the ones who have or are intending to use their powers to do horrible things, like take over the world or kill a lot of people.)

    Void was bad. The worst of the worst, as far as Marcus had ever seen. Marcus himself nearly died in the fight – Ethan saved him by breaking a sacred rule of theirs… killing. Ethan obliterated Void in rage.

    After the fight, police and special ops were sent to Void’s headquarters to investigate. Marcus went along – it was his job to look into the minds of villains, after all. As they were picking through Void’s place, they found a hungry, upset cat. Fluffy as a cloud, a soft cream color, and BIG. Like, the size of your torso.

    Void had a cat, and now she was homeless.

    Marcus felt terrible for the cat, and took her home. She was a bit feisty and naughty (knocking things over, stealing pens and socks and whatnot, knocking her bowl upside down to spill water/food EVERYWHERE, etc) but Marcus was patient and kept giving her love and attention as she demanded it.

    These days, Ham is relatively a better kitty. She has “Hamcidents” where she goes back to her “villainous ways” as Marcus calls them, but she’s a wonderful therapy cat and is very comfortable around Marcus’ patients. She purrs like an engine and will loaf in your lap if you let her.

    She is based off of this cat!

    awesome-picz.tumblr.com – This Cat’s Majestic Fluff Makes It Look Like A… – awesome-picz

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