Here’s an NPC superhero folks are welcome to use. He’s a mentor to a PC (Halfpenny) in my game.

Here’s an NPC superhero folks are welcome to use. He’s a mentor to a PC (Halfpenny) in my game.

Here’s an NPC superhero folks are welcome to use. He’s a mentor to a PC (Halfpenny) in my game.

Name: Penny Dreadnought

Generation: Bronze

Origin: When both of his parents were accidentally killed by a single penny dropped off the top of the Empire State Building, he swore to protect the world from all penny-related crime.

Abilities: Penny Dreadnought has become a master pugilist, wearing penny-themed brass-knuckles.

Demeanor: Penny Dreadnought is intensely serious about defeating penny-related crime, speaking in a growly voice even when he makes coin-based puns. (“Let me throw in my two cents.” punch, punch!)

Other Resources: Penny Dreadnought has a secret base (“The Penny-tentiary”) and rides a motorized penny farthing bicycle.

3 thoughts on “Here’s an NPC superhero folks are welcome to use. He’s a mentor to a PC (Halfpenny) in my game.”

  1. To be fair, Penny Dreadnought thinks of himself as a fairly dark character. He’s avenging his parents’ death by waging a one-man war on a whole category of currency! ;P

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