As there are loveletters about “fate” going round, here is one for a young hero who tempted it.

As there are loveletters about “fate” going round, here is one for a young hero who tempted it.

As there are loveletters about “fate” going round, here is one for a young hero who tempted it.


Dear Skele-Girl,

on your way home from the precinct, all of these happened:

– a piano fell towards your head.

– a firefight between to rivaling gangs started, just when you were crossing the street, catching you in the cross fire.

– a train rushed toward you; the traffic lights were malfunctioning.

– the milk was sour, when you came home.

Tell us what of these might kill you and if so, how you escaped. If you were threatened by more than half:

– Mark a condition, take experience, shift Mundane up another label down.


– Shift danger up and another label down.

Love, your GM.
