Alright, after fiddling around I realized I can’t make this thing repost a hyperlink as more than just a hyperlink.

Alright, after fiddling around I realized I can’t make this thing repost a hyperlink as more than just a hyperlink.

Alright, after fiddling around I realized I can’t make this thing repost a hyperlink as more than just a hyperlink. I’ve made a new post with the finalized version of The Mystic based on suggestions here and in the Discord Server. Version is final unless someone finds something glaringly wrong with it ^_^;;; Thanks for all your help!

6 thoughts on “Alright, after fiddling around I realized I can’t make this thing repost a hyperlink as more than just a hyperlink.”

  1. Cool!

    Just a sidenote – in general, i wouldn’t give fixed instructions for 6- results on a roll. This way, the MC can handle the failure in the most appropriate way for the present fiction.

    The only exceptions, in my opinion, are:

    – in case it’s a really powerful move, and the 6- result must be really bad. In this case you’re lifting from the mc the responsibility of being “bad”: it’s written in the move that you must hit hard on a 6-.

    – in case it’s a reversed move, where high is bad, low is good.

    – if you think it’s strictly necessary, give the necessary result, and ask the MC for a move. For example, you want the player to ask a question even on a failure, or stuff like that.

  2. Andrea Serafini Hmm… I guess I’m mainly giving misses for the “Stars Align” and “Scrying” moves because they’re dealing with the occult and spiritual energies in some way. Taking notes from how The Spooky handles those kind of rolls. “Homeopathy” is strongly based on The Professional’s “First Aid” move, so I took the penalties from that.

    I guess, all that being said maybe I should add to “Scrying” that you can still find the object in question.

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