I’ve been hacking the playbooks a bit to customize them for my Living Sprawl game.

I’ve been hacking the playbooks a bit to customize them for my Living Sprawl game.

I’ve been hacking the playbooks a bit to customize them for my Living Sprawl game. I decided to replace the playbook pictures with corporate logos set against an appropriate part of the city we’ll be playing in. I thought these were amusing enough to share.

3 thoughts on “I’ve been hacking the playbooks a bit to customize them for my Living Sprawl game.”

  1. Ehm, probably this is not intended, however the playbook “class” sounds like a verdict about the Corporation. Ie. Apple is a pusher ’cause it forces his customers to expend lot of money on their products, and be constantly updated; Boeing are killers’ course they planes go down and they should put more attention on customer security…

    OR am I totally wrong? OR is this exactly the intent, and I’m not getting the irony?

  2. Andrea Parducci That’s the intended statement / irony / double entendre. (Boeing is the world’s second largest weapons manufacturer. Today! Behind Lockheed Martin. Sadly it seems cyberpunk is always closer than you think…)

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