Hello Fellow Netrunners, I’m thinking of starting a game in Seattle and just wondering if anyone local wants to get…

Hello Fellow Netrunners, I’m thinking of starting a game in Seattle and just wondering if anyone local wants to get…

Hello Fellow Netrunners, I’m thinking of starting a game in Seattle and just wondering if anyone local wants to get involved in The Sprawl? If not, what about a remote game via Hangouts and Roll20? I’m itching to get into The Sprawl…

One thought on “Hello Fellow Netrunners, I’m thinking of starting a game in Seattle and just wondering if anyone local wants to get…”

  1. I might be interested in a Roll20/Hangouts game depending on day and time (I’m CST – and work funky hours). I am COMPLETELY new to The Sprawl. I bought it a good while ago and started reading it but couldn’t find a group, so would need quite a bit of coaching, teaching, and mentoring. So, complete newb.

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