My players killed some enemies and not unreasonably want to take their guns.

My players killed some enemies and not unreasonably want to take their guns.

My players killed some enemies and not unreasonably want to take their guns. But I want to limit their assets to stop sprawl in the game. What do people do about this?

10 thoughts on “My players killed some enemies and not unreasonably want to take their guns.”

  1. I allow. If they overcome the opposition, it’s part of their spoils of victory. But… are they able to use what they found? Are you sure it’s not DNA-encoded? Are there moral issues with the equipment?

  2. I don’t see “limit them” in the GM principles anywhere.

    Normal guns would probably just be Class 1 though, so they’re probably not super interesting.

  3. As an actual military I guarantee you don’t want to add more weight to your already way too heavy stuff, including managing extra ammo for this other gun (which you won’t be able to get from normal means). Plus if you are using an enemy gun, you’re going to be making the sound an enemy gun does. I’d worry about fratricide.

    Uncharted worlds don’t care about carrying weight but it’s legit that part of the narrative you allow characters to carry only a single weapon (plus side arm).

  4. Sometimes you just have to let your PCs have a nuke* and see what they do with it. The wonderful thing about PbtA games is that power creep technically does not exist. There will always be a way for antagonists to get at the PCs because we’re not dealing with ELs and CLs and treasure parcels and all that stuff.

    *Nuke here means any weapon considered “too powerful” for PCs to have in a normal game.

    I’ve played by this principle ever since I read a Savage Worlds Necessary Evil play report where the GM let the super villains acquire a nuke after they found out that…

    ****Spoiler Alert****

    …the big bad is tied to the city the game takes place in. They could nuke the city, probably killing the big bad, but killing millions of innocents as well. The PCs in this play report ended up sealing the missile away in a concrete vault.

  5. Thanks to everyone who posted here. Sorry for my lack of response. I was really confused. I was thinking that because initial assets are limited, that I should somehow restrict assets forever. But now I see that PCs should be allowed to pick up what junk they find. Will it help them? Maybe, we’ll see :-). Addramyr’s point about ammo (and support) for acquired weapons was inspiring – I think I’m going to assume that only assets you pay for (or have initially) are fully supported in the sense of reliability and availability.

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