Hi again :( Sorry for all those questions.

Hi again 🙁 Sorry for all those questions.

Hi again 🙁 Sorry for all those questions. But its really hard to understand this system. Now i feel like Enclave cant get Treaty on other, cause his alliance move is unclear for our party.

“When you spend time and effort showing another group how to use their technology better, gain 1-Treaty on them.”

Ok. But what exactly shude Enclave do? Shoulde i just said that Cultivators and Pioneers cant use PC or some other tech without Enclave help?

2 thoughts on “Hi again :( Sorry for all those questions.”

  1. Depending on what options your Enclave took in family building, they should have some expertise that everyone else is lacking. Whenever the Enclave character does something to tinker with another faction’s technology and make it work better, or when the Enclave gift tech to another faction, or any other time in the fiction they help another faction use their own technology better, that gets them a point of Treaty.

    So I’d suggest looking at what tech the Enclave has, how that’s better than everyone else’s, and work out what expertise that might have given the Enclave that the other factions are missing.

  2. The Enclave Alliance Move sees a lot of use here through Character actions! Promethean and Seekers moves and Roles tend to reveal all the potential in technology, for instance. With a little effort it can happen in game with tech from other Families 😉

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