Here’s a taste of what my Shadow on the Stars players are in for:

Here’s a taste of what my Shadow on the Stars players are in for:

Here’s a taste of what my Shadow on the Stars players are in for:

> Blaster, Laser Sword, Rifle, Starfighter, Armor. What makes your gear unique? Choose 2:

□ Your blaster is magical, but legend says it’s cursed

□ Your laser sword is crafted from the Tree of Life

□ Your rifle is famous, with a name and reputation

□ Your starfighter is large, tough, and intimidating

□ Your armour is light and menacing

Note: This game has to be special. Why not let my players have a fucking laser sword if they want one? It doesn’t mean you’re a Jedi, but it does mean you want to be an awesome swordswoman in a futuristic setting.

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