I have a controversial question to ask here.

I have a controversial question to ask here.

I have a controversial question to ask here… When a character, PC or NPC, is raped by someone you consider this a trigger to their intimacy move? In my opinion, such act isn’t a trigger because it is violence. Always. But how do you guys deal with sexual violence in your campaigns?

10 thoughts on “I have a controversial question to ask here.”

  1. I have a conversation with my group at the beginning of every campaign about boundaries and limits. I bring an X card, for people to express their limits mid game if their words fail them. Then I don’t use sexual assault in my games.

  2. So another thing to keep in mind is that the target audience for this game is a group of people who are also at a much higher likelihood of being the victims of real life sexual assault.

    Unless you’ve had a very specific conversation with your gaming group already you might learn something you didn’t intend in the worst possible way.

  3. While I have played with groups that have included sexual violence in our stories, it’s not something that I would include without extensive discussion before hand. The X-card is a useful tool, but it doesn’t substitute for real conversation about what kind of content makes sense for your players.

    In general, the “moment of intimacy” mechanic is designed to reflect beats in a story when characters grow closer together. I can’t see any sexual violence triggering the move because it’s not about intimacy.

  4. Mark Diaz Truman I agree with you. My question is also a way to show my players there wasn’t misreading rules at our game… I triggered both, The Hunter (a catholical priest) and The Tainted, when the last confessed a murder to the first revealing his true nature. But I deny to trigger Vamp’s intimacy move when he raped an NPC. Vamp’s player ask me why and I brought this to the g+…

  5. A big part of intimacy is someone making a choice to be vulnerable to someone else. And, IMHO, you can’t really be vulnerable when you’re the one who has all the power in the interaction.

  6. I dont think it qualifies as intimacy. Its a (very) hard move on the character, one that I usually will not use unless Im pretty sure the group has no troubles with this kind of fiction.

    I do not use X card in my games and problem have raised for not using it. Simply dont go to places you’re not sure your group don’t want to go.

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