Love letter etiquette

Love letter etiquette

Love letter etiquette 

How do you handle loveletters directly at the table? Does everyone read the whole thing aloud? Is everyone rolling and then telling what they got without much input? Tell me how it goes at your table because last time we did it it went kinda strange. 

6 thoughts on “Love letter etiquette”

  1. Take turns reading aloud and rolling, then hold for a moment while the MC figures out the actual starting situation. It’s too fun to write love letters to have them be read by only one person*. And it’s too fun to hear what tough spots your fellows are in. Thirdly, AW has at it’s base a lot if openness of information, so sharing is good.

    *this also makes those rare occasions when I put “Do not read this aloud!” At the top of a letter much more exciting and effective.

  2. I write them on index cards and distribute. I leave it up to the player how much information they’d like to reveal to the other players out of the gate, but I of course require to know their roll and their thoughts. Almost always, though, players choose to share 100%.

  3. I’m with Meg. Also it allows the players to see that the MC is listening to their input, responding to their flags and generally saying “Yes and…” (with a large measure of unbalance to any status quo).

  4. I’m with Kelley Vanda. I let players decide how much they want to share, and it’s usually everything. That makes the rare occasions when it’s not everything verrrrrry interesting…

  5. We tend to all quietly read the letters ourselves, and then go round to resolve the dice rolls for each person in turn. Whilst that is happening, they usually read out the letter to the rest of the group, although sometimes they person might just read out the relevant parts, or maybe just the dice roll options. Either way, its mostly done in the open, with most stuff read out, but some stuff might be skipped at the whim of the individual.

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