Question on the Faery Contract move.

Question on the Faery Contract move.

Question on the Faery Contract move. Forgive me, as I don’t have the move right in front of me. If someone breaks a promise to the Fae, the Fae gets a string on them. It also gives a couple additional options when spending strings.

Working on the basis that the character has to have broken a promise to spend strings using this move, can the Fae only spend strings gained from broken promises in this manner? If say, the Fae has 3 strings on an NPC and the NPC breaks a promise, giving the Fae 4 strings, can they spend all of those on balancing the scales?

If the latter is true, how would you balance this? Putting it to the MC and the group to decide when the scales have been balanced?

2 thoughts on “Question on the Faery Contract move.”

  1. I’ve only played The Fae in one-shots, so the MCs have been… kind enough (and the other players willing enough to be put through the ringer) to let me spend the Strings I currently have on the character in pursuit of vengeance. I think it’s something that can be left up to the MC if they’ll allow spending more than one String to have one of those additional effects. Never hurts to ask if it’d be allowed.

  2. After each act of vengeance, I’d ask the player if the scales had been balanced. Worst case scenario, eventually they’ll be in their darkest self and want to get out and start saying yes.

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