New version of the Galatea: the Skin is the same, I fixed a typo in the Under the Skin (Outside the Gallery was…

New version of the Galatea: the Skin is the same, I fixed a typo in the Under the Skin (Outside the Gallery was…

New version of the Galatea: the Skin is the same, I fixed a typo in the Under the Skin (Outside the Gallery was listed among the coping moves instead of I’m a Rock, I’m an Island).

Do we have an exit plan for when G+ will close?

Do we have an exit plan for when G+ will close?

Do we have an exit plan for when G+ will close? I’d at least love a repository of all the Skins, some sort of index, because without this community it’d be really hard to find those, and an index would greatly help here, too.

Hi, just an heads up the fixed italian version of The Galathea is finally up on the editor’s site:…

Hi, just an heads up the fixed italian version of The Galathea is finally up on the editor’s site:…

Hi, just an heads up the fixed italian version of The Galathea is finally up on the editor’s site: (on the right).

Original topic with English material:

(If someone plays her please feel free to write me, I’d love to know about it.)

In the Italian edition of MH2 there is an additional Skin – The Galathea. Thought about sharing it here, too.

In the Italian edition of MH2 there is an additional Skin – The Galathea. Thought about sharing it here, too.

In the Italian edition of MH2 there is an additional Skin – The Galathea. Thought about sharing it here, too.

Originally shared by Mauro Ghibaudo

The Italian edition of Monsterhearts 2 is out, and in it there is a Skin designed by me – The Galathea.

I worked on her a little over five years, and looking back at the first draft it’s amazing how far she has gone. As always there are tweaks I’m thinking about, places where maybe she could be better or just different, but now The Galathea is out there, and for it I have to thank a lot of people.

Simone Micucci, who believed in her from the start and was MC for most of the playtests; also, he asked Michele of Narrattiva if he was interested in publishing her in the Italian edition – so you have to thank him, if I’m releasing her.

Paolo Cecchetto, who was the first to read the first draft, and the last to read the final version. He also wrote the amazing introductory text – twice. And he pointed me to Sabrina Scolari, the model for the photo.

Giulia Cursi, who was the first ever to play The Galathea, when she was still The Notabariko, and was always there to give suggestions.

These three people, in no particular order, are The Galathea family, and she wouldn’t be here without them. So, thanks.

Then I have to thank Avery Alder, who agreed to publish her in the Italian edition and was there to give suggestions in the final rush. And Michele Gelli of Narrattiva for having her in the rules, it means a lot.

Anna Koprantzelas did the editing on the photo.

Alberto Muti was among the first persons ever to listen to my babbling about this Skin, and despite his input being lost in the Skin evolution, the help is still there.

Stefano Burchi, Mario Bolzoni and Daniele Di Rubbo were always there, and I owe to Stefano the seed that became Theagenes. The name Theagenes, by the way, is from Ezio Melega, and I’m a Rock, I’m an Island is from Mario (as is the name Galathea), so those are yours.

Jason Morningstar and Paul Czege gave me spot on suggestions; the missing name list it’s Jason’s fault (and credit).

Alex G. made me notice a big typo in the final Italian draft, so big it’d have diminished The Galathea, so thanks.

Playtest credits:

Anna Koprantzelas

Giulia Cursi

Ivan Lanìa

Mario Bolzoni

Mauro Paielli

Simone Micucci

Steve DeCarli

(And more)

More people I have to thank: Luca Bonisoli, Mattia Bulgarelli, Manuela Soriani.

There are more people who helped me, who asked not to be named (or didn’t say they wanted to); still, thanks.

So here she is, The Galathea, feel free to reshare this post. I hope you can enjoy playing her and that she can add something to your games, as she did during the playtests.

Tu sei stata creata per uno scopo e soddisfarlo ti rende felice. Tu hai una ragione di esistere. Tu hai delle certezze. Tu sai perché sei al mondo. Tu non hai bisogno di poter scegliere. Tu non hai bisogno di libertà. Te lo sei ripetuto da quando sei stata creata e, forse, se te lo ripeti ancora per un po’, inizierai a crederci. Forse.

You have been created for a purpose and fulfilling it makes you happy. You have reason to exist. You have conviction. You know why you were brought to the world. You don’t need to choose. You don’t need freedom. You have been repeating this to yourself since you have been created, and, maybe, if you keep retelling it for a bit longer you will believe it. Maybe.

Italian Skin: (on the right you can find her in the downloads; keep in mind that there is a typo, it should be fixed soon: in Theagenes, venting against someone with the Condition triggers both the first and the second effect, which with the current layout it’s unclear)

English (including Skin and Under the Skin, both in A4 and in Letter for you USians):

I started a campaign, and one PC, a Nova, has sorcery as ability, which rekindled a doubt I had for a while:…

I started a campaign, and one PC, a Nova, has sorcery as ability, which rekindled a doubt I had for a while:…

I started a campaign, and one PC, a Nova, has sorcery as ability, which rekindled a doubt I had for a while: usually, how do you manage general powers like that?

With “general powers” I mean that powers like sorcery, contrary to others, don’t have a defined scope, but could be anything: superstrenght gives you superstrenght, if you want to teleport you can’t, while sorcercy potentially could do anything: “I use my sorcery to teleport myself”, or “to increase my strenght” or whatever.

If you happened to have similar powers in your games, how did you manage them? (If you limited them somehow, or if you let them free to do whatever came to mind, etc.)

I don’t mean just as MC, also as player is interesting.

The Behind the Masks, with MC moves, of the extra playbooks (The Reformed, etc.) are already out there?

The Behind the Masks, with MC moves, of the extra playbooks (The Reformed, etc.) are already out there?

The Behind the Masks, with MC moves, of the extra playbooks (The Reformed, etc.) are already out there? I can’t find it in the material I have, not sure if I missed them.

From the example on page 65:

From the example on page 65:

From the example on page 65:

She asks, “Okay, how can I best end this quickly?”

“Observing them more closely, you recognize the technology and the aliens themselves. You’ve heard of them, if you haven’t seen them up close—Menagerists, they’re called. Tey’re probably here looking for metahumans for their zoo. If you can convince them that the metahumans here are too tough to be worth the trouble of capturing, or if you can convince them that there really aren’t any valuable specimens here, they’ll take off. But as you’re putting all this together, they start moving towards the treeline and into the city. What do you do?”

If the character choose to try and convince them, how would you manage that, with a Provoke and if it’s a 10+ they go away?

If there is still time to change the text, Defend

If there is still time to change the text, Defend

If there is still time to change the text, Defend

When you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll + Savior. For NPC threats: on a hit, you keep them safe and choose one. On a 7-9, it costs you: expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation.

• add a Team to the pool

• take Influence over someone you protect

• clear a condition

For PC threats: on a hit, give them -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment.

I’d add “GM’s choice”, like “you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment (GM’s choice)”, since the wording is the same against PC and NPC (expose yourself), but in the former is player’s choice, in the latter GM’s.

Wields your powers says:

Wields your powers says:

Wields your powers says:

> When you wield your powers with precision or grace, roll + Freak. On a hit, choose one. On a 10+, choose two

Usually, “On a hit” is something you do also on 10+, so an additional effect; moves as Comfort confirm this:

> On a hit, they hear you: they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you. On a 10+, you can also add a Team to the pool or clear a condition yourself

Maybe it would be clearer to change the wording in something like “When you wield your powers with precision or grace, roll + Freak. On a hit, choose one. On a 10+, choose another one”, or “When you wield your powers with precision or grace, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one”?