Here’s part 2 of the actual play with One Shot!

Here’s part 2 of the actual play with One Shot!

Here’s part 2 of the actual play with One Shot!

Originally shared by Magpie Games

Part 2 of ONE SHOT Podcast  session of Bluebeard’s Bride run by Sarah Richardson is up!

If you’re curious what a game might sound like, you can hear a bit of how I run it here.

If you’re curious what a game might sound like, you can hear a bit of how I run it here.

If you’re curious what a game might sound like, you can hear a bit of how I run it here.

Originally shared by Magpie Games

You can hear part 1 of Sarah Richardson running Bluebeard’s Bride over at ONE SHOT Podcast. Check it out if you like super creepy games!…/one-sh…/136-buebeards-bride/

Beautiful write up of last night’s playtest to tide you over until we release those pesky playtest materials. :)

Beautiful write up of last night’s playtest to tide you over until we release those pesky playtest materials. 🙂

Beautiful write up of last night’s playtest to tide you over until we release those pesky playtest materials. 🙂

Originally shared by Andrea G

Sarah Richardson, I say this with love and delight: your game gave me nightmares.

Brie did a fantastic job writing up the session we played yesterday.

Brie did a fantastic job writing up the session we played yesterday.

Brie did a fantastic job writing up the session we played yesterday. If you haven’t had a chance to play yet, this gives you an idea of what it could be like. Like Brie says, every session is different.

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

Playtesting Bluebeard’s Bride with Sarah Richardson!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of playing a session of Bluebeard’s Bride  with Emily Care Boss, Hannah Shaffer, and J Li, with the fantastic Sarah Richardson as our GM. (Note: this was an amazing group to play with. WOW.) Sarah Richardson, Marissa Kelly, and …

Playtest session

Playtest session

Playtest session

Please to forgive my ignorance, but I’ve only recently come across this excellent-sounding game (yep, I’m that out of the loop). I really want to run a session of it, ideally at this month’s London Indie RPG Meetup Group ( on the 21st, but later if I don’t get my head round it in time. Is there currently a free pdf playtest draft? Or would I have to back it on Kickstarter to get that? And is there anything I need to be aware of re playtesting? Thanks.