


So how do Advancements work? I don’t quite understand. 

You get 1 Archvivement point (called XP for now on in this post) when you unlock 1 of your drive playbooks moves. So when you meet the trigger for that you get 1 XP and you automatically get the move? 

And you open up Drive playbooks also by just hitting the trigger? 

So at any one point i could have a number of drive playbooks activated? 

When i have taken all the moves of one drive playbook and go on to the next, can i “discard” an old drive playbook because it is no longer fitting the character or would i have 4 open drives in a longer campaign? 

Will there be guidance for creating your own drive playbooks? 

How fast will i be able to buy advancements? Once per session? Once every 3 sessions? 

Why does removing one limitation from my powers require me to lower my threeshold as well?