Another question for this class community ;) When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if…

Another question for this class community 😉 When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if…

Another question for this class community 😉 When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if you change playbooks (rather than retire), does it count as an advance or are you in effect getting access to a third Playbook?

Quick question guys. Is the ‘Directly Engaging a Threat’ move the only way to impose a Condition on an NPC villain?

Quick question guys. Is the ‘Directly Engaging a Threat’ move the only way to impose a Condition on an NPC villain?

Quick question guys. Is the ‘Directly Engaging a Threat’ move the only way to impose a Condition on an NPC villain?

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

My group are frothing at the prospect of playing this game!