A move to help manage the building of Wonders, pushing the Fiction forward and creating hooks.

A move to help manage the building of Wonders, pushing the Fiction forward and creating hooks.

A move to help manage the building of Wonders, pushing the Fiction forward and creating hooks. Tell me what you think!

When your Family works hard to change the world, invest a Surplus to build a Wonder.

Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:

Thanks to your dedicated efforts a second Surplus can be invested right away.

You secure an invested Surplus against sabotage and predation.

Your research generates concrete results right now, just in smaller scale. Gain 1 Tech.

Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:

One Family or Faction (and only them) becomes aware of the Wonder.

The Wonder nature or the Surplus invested remains mysterious.

Your agents unearth past and present secrets on the 1 Data.

Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:

An aware Faction doesn’t decide to actively undermine the Wonder.

An aware Faction decides to desperately prepare for the Wonder roll, either by trading or by gaining Treaties on you.

Gain 1-Treaty in a Faction of your choice.

Completely blown away that we will have S-I-X new backer additions to the project!

Completely blown away that we will have S-I-X new backer additions to the project!

Completely blown away that we will have S-I-X new backer additions to the project!!! Three in Engine of Life, the other in End Game. What other Families and Character concepts do you think Legacy is still missing?


In this game of Families, who has been your most memorable Character?

In this game of Families, who has been your most memorable Character?

In this game of Families, who has been your most memorable Character?

Even as Characters come and go with the passing of Ages, we naturally grow attached to some of them. In my case, I fell in love with Field Officer Sarah Mossberg, my Tyrant Firebrand, a black ops fomenting rebellions. So many small cool things built her: the tutelage of a Cultivator Scout on all outdoors skills, her unexpected development as a proto-Road Warrior after a particular Tool Up, to the final speech, broadcasted far and wide as part of her Death Move. From Leader of the Tyrants’s new generation, to an embittered Rebel veteran, leading in the frontlines of a Total War – she quickly became one of my favorite characters ever.

Tell us then about these fleeting heroes and towering historical figures. Tell me about YOUR Mossberg.

Have you played Non-Compliant?

Have you played Non-Compliant?

Have you played Non-Compliant?

We did yesterday. I ran it at a local convention for 2 Cutthroats and 2 newcomers to Legacy. And it is “a murder machine to test the nerves and wits of everyone involved”. But really… a GREAT adventure – people were tense, engaged, hooked.

The countdown clock and the stakes of defeat worked to make every decision, every action heavy with consequences and pregnant with possibilities. The Characters felt epic and glued together nicely. Blackwind (and his Last Nation) in special shone as a figure out of legend!

Be warned though… Non-Compliant is HARD. All Role Moves and 3 Death Moves were used. We had 7 Family Moves, with 3 Zoom Ins, and still the clock hit 11! Players should be warned of the quite real possibility of defeat and total party kill.

Thanks to Carlos Fagundes Rodrigues, Arthur de Andrade, our friendly Cutthroats, and Gustavo Tenório for the amazing game.

Ahá! I was bitting my nails to announce this list… from the latest KS update:

Ahá! I was bitting my nails to announce this list… from the latest KS update:

Ahá! I was bitting my nails to announce this list… from the latest KS update:

“We’re happy to announce we’ve signed on a fresh slate of writers to help us explore the different themes of post-apocalyptic stories in these two books. We’re really looking forward to seeing writing from…

Kira Magrann (#Feminishm, Blue Rose, Cascade, RESISTOR, etc.)

Slade Stolar (The Indie Hack)

Norman Rafferty (Myriad Song, Ironclaw, Farflung, etc.)

James Mendez Hodes (7th Sea: Pirate Nations, The New World, The Crescent Empire, etc.).

Sawyer Rankin (Ferretheim Games) (Monsterhearts: Skin Deep).

Chris Farnell (my Spire co-playtester and fiction author)…”

Meanwhile, new content for Engine of Life…

Meanwhile, new content for Engine of Life…

Meanwhile, new content for Engine of Life…

“Perhaps you were never meant to be a leader, or you care too much for your people to simply walk away. Whatever the case, the four main Roles might not suffice you. We present then the Prophet, to shepherd your people towards your vision of the future… whether they like it or not.

Characters should still retire when they fill their fourth Role, but now they can adopt the Prophet at any point, in any combination.”

So glad to have people representing our community with passionate and insightful words as well!

So glad to have people representing our community with passionate and insightful words as well!

So glad to have people representing our community with passionate and insightful words as well!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Excited to say we’ve signed on some new writers for Legacy, Kira Magrann leading the pack! Look for their writing in Engine of Life and End Game, coming later this year.

Exciting news!

Exciting news!

Exciting news!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Legacy is finally with the printers – looking like we’ll get physical books by mid-April! I’m very excited to finally see it in physical form. This also means I can start preparing to sell the PDF on DriveThru, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

With the core book off my chest, I can now concentrate on the followup books. I’ve just sent backers new versions of Rhapsody of Blood and Worldfall – this has been a very well-timed couple of weeks to go on strike from work!

Thanks to all of you!

Thanks to all of you!

Thanks to all of you!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

The PDF of Legacy 2nd Edition is out backers! If you’re a PledgeManager customer, check the playtest folder to download it. I am inordinately excited 😀

Thanks to all the folks who helped make this a success – Douglas Santana first and foremost, but also Rebecca Curran, Oli Jeffery, Elizabeth Iles, Jason D’Angelo, and many many more!