Made a custom Google Doc character sheet, thought I’d share it here.

Made a custom Google Doc character sheet, thought I’d share it here.

Made a custom Google Doc character sheet, thought I’d share it here. the game is entitled “Ex-Nightwatch” after the “Ex-Heroes” series.

The campaign is a long-running, secret mutant bloodlines gone public world that ran into a dimensional conqueror who “grew” through Earth as a zombie-creating parasitic fungal yeast. Like ya do.

New to PbtA games, ridiculously old to table-top rpg (started in 1983), and am a bit of system design geek. Really like the narrative PtbA work, like the narrative powers stuff, am excited to see how it plays.

Anyway, here’s the link:–ReOgoYawJ5EXIFBbSu3Bs6Hx4C_x_I/edit?usp=sharing