Special program recorded in the “Tierra de Nadie” convention.

Special program recorded in the “Tierra de Nadie” convention.

Special program recorded in the “Tierra de Nadie” convention. One of the greatest geek meetings in Spain. RPGs, LARP, videogames, boardgames…

We review the event and focus in the RPG, more precisely in the PbtAs games.

5% of all the games offered (13 from aprox. 260) were PbtA related ones.

Do you think these are few?, a lot?

How are PbtA games doing in your area?


Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias

Desde el equipo no nos tomamos vacaciones, o bueno si pero seguimos pudiendo grabar aunque se nos note el cansancio.

Ya está disponible nuestro primer especial Fracaso Parcial desde las jornadas TdN.

#podcast #rol #PbtA #ExitoParcial

Con Ruben saldaña en Tierra de Nadie


New episode on the air!

New episode on the air!

New episode on the air!

We discuss about the Master of Ceremonies, and review latest news in the PbtA community.

Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias

7º programa ya disponible.

Llegamos por fin a la parte del Maestro de Ceremonias (árbitro, director, master…), desde sus principios a movimientos hacemos un primer acercamiento a la filosofía de juego que hay tras el MC.

¡Ahí vamos!

#podcast #rol #PbtA #ExitoParcial

Con Ruben saldaña en Generación X


I’m considering to run a Play by Post campaign on Rolegate mixing Paul Czege’s The Clay That Woke with rules light…

I’m considering to run a Play by Post campaign on Rolegate mixing Paul Czege’s The Clay That Woke with rules light…

I’m considering to run a Play by Post campaign on Rolegate mixing Paul Czege’s The Clay That Woke with rules light #PbtA mechanics. Anyone interested?


In today’s episode we interview the publishers of the spanish version of The Sprawl, and review the news about PbtA…

In today’s episode we interview the publishers of the spanish version of The Sprawl, and review the news about PbtA…

In today’s episode we interview the publishers of the spanish version of The Sprawl, and review the news about PbtA games.

Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias

Llegamos a la media docena de programas y en esta ocasión nos acompaña Carlos Variable de Yipi Ka Yei !! para hablar de #TheSprawl.

Repasamos tambien a las novedades roleras relacionadas con el mundo #PbtA.

¡Ahí vamos!

#podcast #rol #ExitoParcial Ruben saldaña Generación X


New content on the air.

New content on the air.

New content on the air.

This time we discuss about the moves from the player view point, and check pbta news.

In spanish, of course 😉

Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias

Quinto programa, dedicado en esta ocasión casi íntegramente a los Movimientos que usan los jugadores durante la partida y un repaso, no muy rápido, a las novedades.

¡Ahí vamos!

#PbtA #podcast #ExitoParcial Ruben saldaña Generación X


Think I’m finally done with this one.

Think I’m finally done with this one.

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

Think I’m finally done with this one. An example of the Warhorse Archetype protecting her Intellect friend from being smashed by a giant robot.

#ImpulseDrive #MisfitsandSpaceships #RPG #PBTA #Archetype #Art #ThisRobotIsReallyHeavyYall

Back for a second round.

Back for a second round.

Back for a second round.

This time we talk about how we knew PbtA and what were our initial thoughts about it. Also, a quick not serious discussion about City of Mist.

#podcast #PbtA #ExitoParcial

Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias

Ya está subido el segundo programa de #ExitoParcial a iVoox.

Hemos empezado a implementar algunas sugerencias que nos habéis dado sobre el piloto en lo que se refiere a música y audio.

Esperemos que lo disfrutéis

#podcast #PbtA junto a Ruben saldaña

Logo obra de Manu Sáez

Nota : en principio el programa es quincenal pero el primero lo subimos con retraso por problemas varios y si pasaba mas tiempo alguna cosa que comentamos en este se hubiera quedado un poco desfasada. Eso hace que otras mejoras no estén implementadas aun.


This has been a big project so far for me.

This has been a big project so far for me.

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

This has been a big project so far for me. I spent a lot of time with composition. A lot more painting that my previous pieces for Impulse Drive – those clouds for instance.

Still gotta tidy up the lines on the Mystic and shade the structures and ground.

#ImpulseDrive #PBTA

Playbook art for my weirdo Outsider archetype in Impulse Drive.

Playbook art for my weirdo Outsider archetype in Impulse Drive.

Playbook art for my weirdo Outsider archetype in Impulse Drive.

The Outsider plays the role of their really weird and alien character, taking the role of either an innocent naive creature learning about the universe, or a mysterious figure with unknowable motivations and plans.

#ImpulseDrive #PBTA

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

I wanted something unnerving but innocent for The Outsider.

I’m working on internal art for Impulse Drive.

I’m working on internal art for Impulse Drive.

I’m working on internal art for Impulse Drive.

I’m going for a screen tone B&W comic style that I loved when I first go into comics.

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

The Hound

#ImpulseDrive #PBTA #Doggo