Has anyone had any success doing PbP with AW or any of the offshoots?
Has anyone had any success doing PbP with AW or any of the offshoots?
Has anyone had any success doing PbP with AW or any of the offshoots?
Has anyone had any success doing PbP with AW or any of the offshoots?
Has anyone had any success doing PbP with AW or any of the offshoots?
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Yes, it works very well. Trust your players to do it, pick an appropriate move, roll for it, and make any appropriate choices – that can all be one post, which allows the fiction to move really fast relative to other games.
Check out http://snailspace.forgreatjustice.net/ for some examples of play.
Not PbP but it works really well as a hangouts/ shared g doc game.
Thanks Marshall! Eric, how do you do a shared g-doc game?
Create a google document with what is now google drive and then as long as all involved have a google account you share the document in the drive controls window. Each person can add to the doc. There is a built in comments section similar to the word track changes comments for OOC notes. Now using g hangouts you are basically playing Real time over Skype.
We used both during an online Monster Hearts game to good effect.
Rizzoma picked up the now defunct Google Wave, which gives you the shared documents for the main fiction plus nested notations, chat and possibly the ability to add dicerollers (not sure if the old add-ons from gWave still work), might also be a good choice.
Thanks for the headsup on that Oliver Nøglebæk Google wave is possibly the best online game resourse ever. Paging Kit La Touche
Man, Wave was so great.
As an example of the Snailspace AW games, you can filter on a tag, like this: http://snailspace.forgreatjustice.net/index.php?TagFilter=88 which shows just the game I’m running there.
I’m currently playing in PBFs of MonsterHearts, Apocalypse World and Dungeon World.
I’m currently running PBFs of Apocalypse World and Monster of the Week.
I assure you, they work. They work well, better than any more combat task resolution-oriented RPG I’ve played in this method and they are FUN!
Indeed, I can vouch for Dungeon World as well.
I’ve done two games of Dungeon World by PbP and they were both pretty great.
Adam Koebel links? (…or is that invasive?)
Also, Dungeon World PbF example: