Under Harm, it says that if you ever need to mark harm and have no boxes left, you die.

Under Harm, it says that if you ever need to mark harm and have no boxes left, you die.

Under Harm, it says that if you ever need to mark harm and have no boxes left, you die. So, if a character had taken (after applying reduction from armor) 3 harm from one attack, then 2 more harm from another attack, that’s all 5 boxes filled exactly. So do they die instantly, or would they need to take a 6th point of harm. (Or wait until the MC decides it’s appropriate to “worsen” their wounds and effectively take 1 more harm as a result.)

Basically, does harm have to “overflow” your boxes to kill you outright, or does the 5th do it instantly?

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone…

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone…

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone do it? (it makes a lot of sense for “Put Face to a Name”, but not so much with “Investigate place of power”).

To better illustrate I’ll give two examples.

1. Two players investigate a mine on the outskirts of town where a Fae Goblin Smith is forging weapons for someone and they both want to Investigate place of power. Each of them rolls or one rolls Faction move and the other helps but also marks faction?

2. Players see a footage of a vampire draining a wizard, they have all seen him in the past. Do each of them rolls Put a Face to a Name?

I’ve kind of assumed that the Revenant would be a night archetype (being basically ‘back from the dead’ and all).

I’ve kind of assumed that the Revenant would be a night archetype (being basically ‘back from the dead’ and all).

I’ve kind of assumed that the Revenant would be a night archetype (being basically ‘back from the dead’ and all). But the playbook states that it’s Wild.

Is this correct?

Am I reading the “Refuse to honor a debt” move correctly, in that you can always refuse to honor a debt even on a…

Am I reading the “Refuse to honor a debt” move correctly, in that you can always refuse to honor a debt even on a…

Am I reading the “Refuse to honor a debt” move correctly, in that you can always refuse to honor a debt even on a 6-, if you accept the consequences?

Because those consequences seem kind of light. Getting another debt on a character that can always say “Mmm… No!” to your requests seems a bit unproductive.

If that’s correct, has anyone had any problems with a situation where debts are constantly refused? If so, have you tried any house rules to deal with it?

Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t…

Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t…

Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t get a haft/handle weapon as powerful as the basic sword on other lists (both 3-harm)?

I understand that, with their customization, they can get more damage to make them equal – are hunter weapons supposed to be on par with other weapons, so if they have one of the chosen advantages, they are weaker harm-wise than their counterparts for balance? Or are they supposed to be beefier and better?

Would it be unbalanced to make them match other weapons and then take the harm increases of the table as options?




Just had a question regarding the Vamps healing powers. In our game the vamp wanted to use eternal hunger over and over again until he got full health basically getting full health in a very short time. I think that’s a bit too good and it would not make for a good scene. I guess this is one of those things we can decide within the fiction but since I (the gm) have very different views than the vamp player I’m not sure the result would be that good. The vamp has also set up a situation in which he has a big pool of willing participants to drink from and it’s assumed that he would also get health from them if he drank their blood.

Right now I play it like eternal hunger is all you can heal until your condition changes. For more medical help you need to hit the streets. (seems what the rulebook is saying aswell). I think this leads to more interaction with the world and doesn’t make the vamp shrug of damage.

Another option I’ve considered is to write a custom move for this situation. Something like this:

When you spend some time at a place with willing participants (like your haven or a place with a lot of blood dolls) and you drink until your hearts content roll+blood. On a hit, you regain all your health. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose 1.

All of the involved stay alive.

You don’t draw any unwanted attention.

(and some more options here, you get the gist)

I think the move would reduce the “danger” of drawing wounds and feels kinda like a get-out-of-jail card. It would however give the Vamp player what he wants with some possible consequences so I think it’s a decent compromise.

I’m interested in trying to adapt ‘Persuade an NPC’ to also include ‘Persuade a PC’ — probably modeling after…

I’m interested in trying to adapt ‘Persuade an NPC’ to also include ‘Persuade a PC’ — probably modeling after…

I’m interested in trying to adapt ‘Persuade an NPC’ to also include ‘Persuade a PC’ — probably modeling after vanilla AW’s Seduce/Manipulate move, which gives the following choices (7-9, choose 1; 10+, both.)

• if they do it, they mark experience [the carrot]

• if they refuse, it’s acting under fire [the stick]

Acting Under Fire — the stick — maps just fine to Keep Your Cool, but Urban Shadows does experience differently (and better), so a new carrot is needed. Anyone have any thoughts?

During character creation, when you go around the table choosing debts, does each player choose only one option from…

During character creation, when you go around the table choosing debts, does each player choose only one option from…

During character creation, when you go around the table choosing debts, does each player choose only one option from the list, or do you continue going in rounds until all three options are used?