


The GM


-Make the world seem contrived

-Make the players’ characters lives miserable

-Decide what is to happen, then play it out


-Whatever you like, never mind the rules and all that nonsense

-What guile and treachery demand


-Never, ever, bloody anything, ever

-Talk to the players, not the characters

-Move directly and with great obviousness

-Your NPCs are precious, guard them jealously

-Noone and nowhere has a name, nor any distinguishing characteristics

-Ignore any questions, treat the players input with contempt

-Never explain, never apologise

-Nothing the players’ characters do has any real consequence

-Hate the players’ characters to the depth of your soul

-Only you can make decisions

-Do them slowly

Only the GM rolls dice in Anti-World. Every time a player character has the temerity to do something, roll 2d6. On a 1-5, the lucky bastards pull it off. On a 6-9, nothing happens. On a 10-12, they fail and suffer the consequences. On a 13+, oh man, it’s hosing time!

The players’ characters have five stats that modify your rolls. They are Hysterical, Feeble, Odious, Stupid and Common.


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