So apparently I can’t share with my Circles and a Community at the same time…
I ran our first Apocalypse World session for 2013 last night. The group consists of a Brainer, Gunlugger, and Savvyhead. It’s been a couple of months since we last played, so it took a while for everyone to remember what was going on!
The group’s working for a holding based in the Tower Bridge in the middle of London, which is allied with a holding based in the Tower of London itself. Last year they were mostly concerned about marauding bikies from the Brick Field, slave raiders from the Barrier Siltway holding (who were on a “recruitment drive” because their workforce was dying of a mystery illness), and that the Tower’s holder looked like they may have plans to fully annexe the Bridge or start a war.
This session they uncovered another problem – toxic waste is leeching into Hackney Marsh and contaminating the river. Because the Thames Barrier was closed before the end of the world, it’s built up a massive silt deposit that makes for great farmland, but has also caused the river to rise and slow. So, the contamination is slowly spreading upstream, and will eventually affect the Bridge’s farmland, leading to sickness and death as seen at the Barrier.
They’re working on a plan to get the Tower to deal with the toxic leak, while they assimilate refugees from the Barrier, and use their extra numbers to take over the Tower before it takes over the Bridge. Hopefully the Brickheads will hold back on their attacks until everything’s under control!
I don’t know what that is… Is that an AW thing, or just a thing in general?
Ah, I only have the rules in PDF, so it’s not so easy to flip through and find stuff. I had to add my own bookmarks/outlines since Vincent doesn’t know how, but they only go so far… I really need to go through and bookmark precise pages that require referencing often. I can never find the “Highlight Stats” and “End of Session Hx” stuff when I need it!
End of session Hx is on the Move Sheet as far as i know. Should be handy all the time in a game.
Yeah, one of my players found it before I did.