Here is the current version of the Bridge, a Playbook I’ve been noodling with for a bit.
Here is the current version of the Bridge, a Playbook I’ve been noodling with for a bit.
Here is the current version of the Bridge, a Playbook I’ve been noodling with for a bit.
cool cool cool
Seriously cool. Good job.
I really like this idea. Love the concept, and the moves are really cool – I like the way you’ve gone for moves which tie into the fiction rather than just being mechanical bonuses.
The one part I personally would change is the Special move – I’m not keen on “If you and another character have sex and it is not for the purpose of ceremony / communion take -1 ongoing until you purify yourself.” I don’t really like this so much. 1) because on a personal level the idea that sex is “impure” makes me feel cross and icky, and that would make me not want to play this playbook, and 2) as an MC I prefer it when everyone is screwing everyone – it makes the game so much more interesting. I’d worry this is discouraging sex for the character. I can see the special move working for some folks though, this is very much a personal preference criticism
Other than that, I really like this playbook its the kind of thing I’d like to play.
I was thinking the Touchstone when I wrote the special. The Bridge isn’t really able to integrate into the community he serves. If he is intimate for reasons beyond ceremony, he is penalized. Just as the Touchstone must love to avoid problems from intimacy.
I do agree that purify gives the wrong impression. I’d also like suggestions for how to capture the idea that the Bridge can only be intimate in sacred / spiritual contexts that don’t imply that sex is generally impure. It would be legit for the move for the Bridge to be an asshole about sex, so long as the sex was done in the right context.
I see it as a kind of hybrid of the Driver’s failure option for the Special move and the Touchstone’s conditions for a successful shag as it were.
I think where the Bridge move falls down for me, is that the Driver and Touchstone moves reveal something about the character’s relationship with their partner. “Until you purify yourself” feels like you’re only revealing something about the Bridge’s attitude to sex.
I’d be inclined to remove the negative consequence and keep it to just “If you have sex with someone for the purpose of ceremony / communion, take +1 forward until the end of the ceremony.”
But like I say, its personal preference on this one I think. Otherwise, I love what you’ve done
So what does the Bridge do in the game?
Frame things in spiritual terms and what is beyond the here and now.
Specifically, they tend to the spiritual needs of the community and exert spiritual pressure. They get in people’s business by being a go-to source for things beyond the here and now. By default even the Weird have reason to go to them to open up their brain. They open up people to what could be.
I was tempted to give them spiritual gigs; which would give them support and tie them directly into the community. Gigs like overseeing births, blessing things, that sort of stuff. But I felt that really belonged to individual games.
Also there is the flip side, where the Bridge acts as a visionary type trying to force everyone towards a particular view of the world and what’s beyond. They aren’t directly dominating, but by selective application of help and so forth they can guide things.