I am running a session of Apoc World tonight. I am fairly new at running this game. The group is 5 players and they have decided that this medium sized biker gang has crossed a line and they are going to try to wipe the bikers out. So normally that would be a guy or two vs a medium gang. However one of the players is a chopper who has a small gang and another player is a Gunlugger who is not to be fucked with. So the Gunlugger acts as a small gang too. Do I combine the choppers small gang with the Gunlugger and make that an even exchange? Or does my Gunlugger have a move that doesn’t do a damn thing for him? I have already established that this biker gang is a medium gang, the group read a sitch and determined that they needed to get them while they were separated from this warlord so they can take them out without it being a large gang.
I am running a session of Apoc World tonight.
I am running a session of Apoc World tonight.
I’d say if your Gunlugger and Chopper’s gang are acting in concert, they’re a medium gang. How does the gang feel about following the GL’s lead?
I think there are 3 potential gangs here in combat. Gang 1: Your chopper’s gang which is a small gang. PC’s may fight with this gang to gain the benefits of fighting as a gang in their actions but has to follow what the gang is doing. Gang 2: The enemy gang which is medium. Any player may fight on their side for the same type of benefits and disadvantages, but that might be tough seeing as you’d have to convince them that your with them to do so. Gang 3: The Gunlugger. Nobody but the Gunlugger can be in this gang. The advantage is that the Gunlugger get’s the benefits of being in a small gang without having to give a flying fuck what anybody else thinks about what he’s doing. If you want to get a better idea of what it means to following what the gang wants to do, check out moves like the Chopper’s pack alpha and the hardholder’s leadership. Both of those are about changing a gang’s natural instincts in a fight (which are determined during gang creation)
I agree with David Rothfeder
Its Two Small Gangs Vs the Medium. The advantage to the PCs in this situations is that they will have two fronts to act from. The disadvantage is that they will still not have the numbers to fight on equal footing… but remember, the fiction rules and you are the fan of a couple of bad ass PCs.
I’d agree with Daniel Levine on this—_if_ the gunlugger and the choppers manage to work together they will be a medium gang.
That’s a big if, and it provides you with ripe opportunity for moves, especially if anyone rolls a miss.
The Chopper’s going to be using his Pack Alpha move. “On a miss, someone in your gang makes a dedicated bid to replace you for alpha.” Nothing says it has to be one of the gang members as the replacement—maybe some of the gang decide that the gunlugger is a bigger badass than their boss, and they’d rather follow him around.
During the battle, you can put someone in a spot or offer an opportunity (with a cost). “Gunlugger, the chopper’s gang is pinned down and taking heavy fire—but that means the enemy isn’t paying attention to you. You can sneak around and get into a better position, but it means the gang will take extra Harm.”
Of course, if any NPCs in the gang are part of a triangle with the gunlugger, you ought to be looking at them especially carefully. If someone has a grudge against the lugger, the middle of a pitched battle might be the best time to try to carry it out. Or if there’s someone that the ‘lugger cares about, well, put the sights on them and see whether he cares more about winning or about saving a friend.
Medium gang, in two sections. Treat the Gunlugger as her own gang as per David Rothfeder, and use the two PC gangs to.play off each other for maximum non-boring as per Jeff Johnston. I think it’s even odds the two PC gangs work pretty smoothly for a shared objective – it’s the fallout after that gets interesting.
Thanks this is good advice, especially about putting folks into a spot and hard choices. Sometimes they are tough to think of on the spot. The split group idea makes sense, I have no idea what they will decide to do but that’s what we’re here to do, find that stuff out. I think I might allow the other players to be in a gang with the gunlugger. The Angel and the Gunlugger have worked together in the past to devastating effect. The angel does a helping move and the Gunlugger wiped out a small gang in one seize by force move. It was awesome. I am stoked to play.
Gunluggers with NTBFW and grenades are horrible against gangs. It’s just a great opp for some seriously bloody narration.
I am with folks here about the fallout being the interesting part. Using the chopper’s gang (or part thereof) as a point in a pc-npc-pc triangle seems like awesome fodder.
Oh yeah, check your pc-npc-pc triangles closely and aim for non-boring! Who begs for mercy? Who gives mercy? Who trades sides when it counts? Who backs away from the fight? Who charges forward despite all reason? Who has ties to someone on the other side?
it was brutal guys. They split into 2 gangs, no angel though he couldn’t make it. Both gangs rolled very well 10+ and chose to inflict terrible harm and impress/dismay the enemy. Half Pint the leader of the Medium Gang ordered a retreat to the Warlords holding and left their wounded and the snipers in the clubhouse/brothel behind. As they fled the Gunlugger picked up a sniper rifle that the driver bought with barter 2 sessions ago and he killed Half Pint as she drove away. I didn’t even make him roll. Interestingly the reason they chose to attack these guys other than revenge, was they wanted to stop them from joining up with the warlord. The survivors are now in the holding and going to be a hard move I hold in reserve. So the chopper recruited the snipers in the brothel and then decided since they were in a brothel to call for an orgy. She and the Faceless traded sex moves and the driver got “cool no big deal”. The Gunlugger didn’t want to participate he stayed outside to guard the door. I told him one of Wire’s bikers named “Checker” is walking around with a shotgun going up to the corpses blowing their heads up. He approaches one body who starts crying out for mercy “what do you do?”. The Gunlugger said “I wait till he finishes them off then start looting the bodies for bits of lux or other barter’. No drama there. He didn’t even keep it for himself he said he was going to share with the group. Oh well. Other than some annoying connectivity issues we had a fun game. And the PC’s got to be serious bad asses.
I would LOVE to see if anything comes of Checker not showing mercy to a wounded survivor. Because sometimes the maelstrom bites down on things like that. And you’ve got that one hard move to hold for the right moment, plus now how are they going to secure the brothel, and what’s the warlord going to do now that some of the stragglers come skittering to him? And how loyal/betrayed is that sniper they left behind?
Definitely not boring. I’d also throw in the mix who falls for who and is there fallout from the orgy & looting spree. Chopper & Faceless, huh? That’s got complication potential. Why’d the Gunlugger skip the orgy? What’s that about? Who’s got their eye on him? How’s he feel about killing Half Pint?
Well since there seems to be interest I will give some background and hopefully get some ideas for next Tuesday nights game.
The cast consists of Fifi (M) Gunlugger, Kim (F) Driver, Wire (F) Chopper, Grip (M) Angel and Dent (M) Faceless. Wire and Dent were not at the first few sessions they came in later. When we started making characters and such Fifi’s player mentioned he would like to see Zombies. I couldn’t figure out how that would work, zombies are only for violence there is no negotiation with something that only has a motivation Hunger – Brains. So I put a note on my 1st session sheet and had low hopes for using it.
The players wanted to be mobile and travel to different holdings. So after doing Hx I asked where they wanted to go. Kim spoke up and said “I want to go to the mall and do some shopping”. So I remembered a trip I took once to Kansas City where I went to the Oak Park Mall in Overland Park. I remember the place being huge and having a carousel in the middle. So I started spouting apocalyptia; It’s now the closest thing to a city anywhere in this area. It’s this huge stone and steel fortress with large mounted machine guns on the roof. A half mile around it is all dessert but beyond that is grassland. Not pretty grassland, it’s brown and yellow and dusty as all hell but surrounding The Mall is just sand and refuse. The warlord is this guy Threeway and all the smaller holdings in this region pay him tribute. But the mall is the best place to buy what you want. They have a thriving slave auction, weapons, food, hootch which also doubles as engine fuel and all kinds of lux. Kim says “I ain’t bringin’ my car in there, once it goes in I may not get it out”. She wants to hide it out on the dunes somewhere. Cool you do it so do it. Roll acting under fire to see if you can find a spot and hide your vehicle unobserved. She’s good in a clinch but we missed that and she rolled vs cool instead of sharp. Cool wasn’t highlighted and she got a 7-9 I decided on a hard choice. I realized by mistake after the session but it was too late to change the results of the roll. However I gave her the XP for rolling a highlighted stat and I try to remember she has that move in the future. So I told her you get Estevan (that’s her vehicle’s name) all covered in sand and trash behind a dune not far from The Mall. But just as you finish up you notice there was this little kid out scavenging in the trash heaps and he saw you. I wanted to see if she would murder a child in order to protect her vehicle. But she called him over and using a cookie from an MRE and some other shit that added up to a barter she manipulated the kid Ethan into becoming her guide. She rolled vs hot and got 10+ and had a new friend. He got her past the gate guards. He then told her he could introduce her to someone that might be able to put them up for the night.
Etan introduced them all to Bridgette the town mechanic. She lived down in the old parking garage. It’s now mostly cracked and broken and covered in junk car parts and other garbage. But there is some room to drive down here and other than a few shanty shacks just Bridgettes shop. Bridgette says they can stay there as they are friends of Ethan but she needs them to do a job for her. She takes out some bits of tech and tells them there is this guy in Haventown named Farley. Bring him this tech and wait for him to finish installing it, then bring back the tech he gives you. I will give you 1 barter now and 2 when you return. They agree and other stuff happens and they make the trip to Haventown and Farley the tech.
Somebody had botched a roll in town and I decided to bring on future badness and didn’t let the group know anything was happening. I just gave the player what he wanted. As they were travelling to Haventown the next session I had them attacked by some bikers. They killed them all and looted the bodies and left the dead next to their ruined bikes on the road. An angel does a helping move for a Gunlugger who is insano like draino, bloodcrazed, NTBFW and sporting a grenade launcher well – poor bikers. This was our first combat and it was pretty much over as soon as it started.
When they got to Haventown I said one of “Auties” guards asks you if you saw anything on the road they heard some explosions and saw some smoke in the distance. Grip said they heard that too but it was none of their business so they ignored it. Later some bikers rolled up on Haventown and started demanding to know who killed their friends. I asked the group what they did and they said they would offer their service to Auntie. They said they would be glad to help protect the town if it became necessary but they were not going to interfere with the conversation. This isn’t really their business but since they are here they would fight to defend the place if it came under attack. Auntie was good with that and since I had no hard moves I had the guards drive the bikers off.
Farley finished working on the tech meanwhile and handed them a lantern looking thing and told them not to mess with it. He said if you turn it on and you don’t know what you’re doing you can hurt yourselves. I was hoping someone would play with it but they left it be. Kim said she wanted to take a different route back to The Mall so they would be less likely to run into trouble on the way back. This time I remembered her “Good in a Clinch” and they avoided more issues with Half Pint and her “Sons of the Apocalypse”.
When they returned to “The Mall” Fifi had blown a roll for something I can’t recall what it was right now but I decided to give him a hard choice. This tall good looking fellow in white (ish) robes with two big guys in less white robes with burkas over their faces approach him. The guy introduces himself as the Prophet of the Divine Waters, Joshua. He said that the maelstrom told him that Threeway is planning on putting some foul piece of tech in the water supply that he plans to use to “Purify” the divine water. But that is sacrilege and Joshua has come to understand that our adventurers have come to deliver this device. He says that he is willing to purchase the item for twice the value they have been offered by Bridgette. Fifi says he draws his 9mm and tell him to GTFO. I say cool so you’re willing to shoot him down if he doesn’t right? No way says Fifi, I’m just trying to intimidate him. I want him be afraid of me and back off. But I’m not going to shoot him unless he actually attacks me. So I say great lets roll. Well he’s a Gunlugger, not exactly a hot kind of guy and he blows the roll. I tell him Joshua backs off, and raises his hands. He says Peace Brother and looks you right in the face as he backs up. Like he is memorizing your face and clothes. He is definitely not intimidated at all, but still he backs down smiling a smarmy grin. But there is no hint of a smile in his eyes.
They make it to Bridgette and everything is going smooth. Grip is looking for doctoring gigs so he can make some scratch to replace some of his angel kit he used. Kim says she’s going shopping. She wants a Sniper Rifle. So she finds an arms dealer who has the rifle she wants. But it ain’t cheap. She will have to spend her barter plus use someone else’s barter from the deal with Bridgette. They probably won’t know you can put it back later. She says she doesn’t want to do that. Instead she wants to haggle with the gun dealer. She said shes going to get seductive and try to convince him to give her a discount. Well she doesn’t roll too hot, she gets a 7-9 and he wants more than eyelash batting for a discount. She agrees to sleep with him to get a better deal. I ask if she plans to cheat him or go through with it? I explain it’s an XP if she does and acting under fire if she doesn’t. She wants that XP and so we fade to black.
Meanwhile Fifi has made a deal to be Bridgettes bodyguard. He had told her about Joshua and she hired him to watch her back until the “filter” was installed. She says Everyone has to filter their water here because it’s poisoned by the maelstrom. Anyone who drinks the water finds it is easier to open their minds to maelstrom (hold +1 wierd forward for opening to the PM and then -1 forward for resisting the taint of the water). After you do it a second time you find that each time you drink is a risk. Their is a chance 10+ that you will become one of the “Chosen” and gain permanent mind powers. But everyone that happens to joins the Cult of the Divine Waters and works for Joshua. Unfortunately most people aren’t so lucky (First roll is weird -2 because you didn’t have to roll after the first drink but carried it fwd then had a second drink). Those who get a miss wind up one of the “Beloved” mindless under the control of Joshua and the Chosen. Their minds are captured by the Maelstrom and their bodies are under the control of the cult. Threeway is sick of it and is having this piece of tech added to the water supply so this shit stops. People keep getting tricked or are lazy or weak and drinking the unfiltered water.
Meanwhile Kim has a shiney new sniper rifle and a desire to show that nobody owns her. So she drives off leaving the rest of the crew in town while she blows off some steam. She finds 3 members of the Sons of the Apocalypse tooling the wasteland and decides to start popping them off. The first one dies they have no idea what the hell happened. No rolling needed here. The second one dies just as they figure out what’s happening and I tell her she needs to “Act under Fire” to get the third one but she’s “Good in a Clinch” so should be no biggie. Well she flubbs it. The biker gets a good look at her vehicle and takes off riding low on the bike and swearving and weaving and flying like batshit crazy fast and she misses him twice before he is long gone and behind some dunes and soon out of range. Do you want to jump in the driver’s seat and try to chase him down? Nope she’s heading back to the mall.
Meanwhile Joshua has 2 of his chosen each with about 10 Beloved attack Bridgette’s shop in the garage with only her and Fifi there. He tells her to get back and under cover he will deal with this. Fifi is Insano Like Draino, Bloodcrazed and Not to be Fucked with, he’s a small gang himself and was watching for trouble and he sees them coming.
Fifi decides to read a sitch and discovers that the 2 Chosen are his biggest threat and recognizable due to their garb, they seem to be leading the Beloved. He starts lobbing Grenades from his launcher at them. Down in a parking garage the noise is fucking horrendous. He says good, he wants to attract attention. He rolls to seize their morale by force and drive them off. Unfortunately he gets a miss so I decide to inflict some harm. One of the chosen stops the grenade in the air with his mind and tosses it back at him. He has 2 armor, takes 2 harm and the bad guys advance closer. He rolls vs harm and looses grip on his grenade launcher. He pulls out his assault rifle and decides he is going to kill one of the Chosen. He trades harm for harm, he deals lots of hurt to the Chosen and kills him but the other one does AP pain wave blast and he takes a third harm. This time he rolls well on the harm so no further ill effects except that now he has taken 3 harm total. He says he’s got a shotgun in one hand and the assault rifle in the other and he is going to kill that other chosen blasting a path through the Beloved with the shotgun to clear a shot at the Chosen with the Assault rifle. He gets to choose 3 since he rolls 10+ and decides to inflict terrible harm, suffer little harm and seize definite hold on the chosen’s life. His armor absorbs the harm from zombies with clubs wacking him and he blows the Chosen away. I say after that the zombies reactions are not coordinated and they look pretty confused. He slaughters them, says he is bloodcrazed and they hurt him and he wants to protect Bridgette. Soon Grip and the local guards arrive. There are about 20 corpses and blood everywhere. Grip tells the guards that the cult was interfering in a transaction between Bridgette and Threeway and he convinces them to leave a guard and go have a chat with Joshua. Kim and Fifi both advance. Kim chooses (My other Car is a Tank) and Fifi takes the Quarantine move “Combat Veteran” and now has +3 in 2 stats and Grip has to heal him.
Next session enters Dent the Faceless. We do a round of Hx. Fifi decides Dent left him bleeding he says “so what was up with you leaving me bleeding that time?” Dent says “I thought you were meat”. Fifi finds a number of opportunities in the next couple of sessions to rub this in.
Dent finds the outside of the mall has bikers everywhere. Some group called the Sons of the Apocalypse according to their jackets. There are like 30 or 40 bikers out there. They seem to be setting up camp outside of town. But there are about 4 of them in front of you making their way inside the Mall. Dent looks into the rearview mirror of one of the bikes and speaks to Norman. Norman tells him that his friend’s enemies are about to meet. And once they have joined then bloody chaos will come to this place. The walls will no longer hold the citizen’s enemies out, it will keep them locked in with their enemies.
Dent makes his way down to Bridgette’s place and meets with his old comrades. Fifi is still not at 100% and they decide discretion is the better part of valor and try to convince Brigette to leave with them. Fifi is not much of a persuader and blows the roll. She tells him no way she’s not leaving her home but if they want to get out she can show them the back way. Grip drives Estevan (Kims first vehicle) with Fifi riding shotgun and Kim takes Armadillo (Her new tank) with Dent manning the mounted machine guns. She says she wants to escape without being seen. She good in a clinch so acting under fire is rolled and she has to make a hard choice. She can either be noticed by the bikers and get into some combat or they get away but leave the “back door” ajar. She chooses to leave the door open and get away.
Meanwhile my countown clock had been ticking away. Half Pint came here to get a psychic reading from Joshua to find out who has been attacking her gang. When they meet Joshua enlists the help of the Son’s and goes off to meet with Threeway. See between sessions I found myself protecting Threeway in my head so I forced the crosshairs on him and Joshua had to kill him. It is what he would do, he needs to protect the Divine Waters from Threeway’s Heresy. Once the assassination occurs and the group has fled into the night then mayhem breaks out in The Mall. That backdoor is left open so Bridgette is fucked too.
When refugees arrive at Haventown a few days later the group decides they want to find out what is going on and get some advice from Auntie. However Auntie has her own troubles. Her people are scared and freaking out. But they are able to learn the general direction that the Son’s of the Apocalypse are based out of. They have this Brothel in the wasteland somewhere over yonder. But if shit goes south with the Sons they are not to flee back to Haventown, don’t bring hell to Aunties door. Farely says they can leave Estevan with them and come back once things have cooled down.
They go out and decide they want to find a few bikers to question. I have them read a sitch and they locate a patrol. The group hem’s the patrol in and captures them. That is when Dent and Fifi start putting them to the question. Grip complains but backs off, Kim is like whatever and start’s checking her tank. Eventually they know where Half Pint and the Sons are and find out what happened at the Mall. They learn all about Bridgette being tortured to death and how all the folks in town are being forced to drink from the waters. The Sons of the Apocalypse got out before they were forced to drink too.
After the interrogation the surviving prisoners are executed, the group is pissed about Bridgette and feeling guilty for their part in her fate. Dent decides to speak to Norman. Norman tells him that getting their enemies separated is probably the best way to deal with them. But perhaps a nice fire will bring them new allies and send a warning to their enemies. That ends the session before this discussion started. Sorry for all the words, I get carried away. lol
All the words are great! Paragraph breaks would help too
I will try to fix that part
Should be pretty easy to edit it in, because yeah, I’d love to read it.
yep paragraph breaks are in.
Wow. I like the choice you gave Kim at the start that led to her befriending Etan, good job putting cross-hairs on Threeway, Fifi’s fight is intense and Norman freaks me out!
Oh! Question about the zombies. Did you know ahead of time that you were going to pull that idea back in, or did it just roll out at the right moment?
When I introduced Joshua he was going to just be a hocus, who had a cult who wanted the undefined piece of tech. But Fifi made an enemy out of him and the group asked around trying to find out about him so I grabbed Cult of the Divine waters from the AW book. After the session I started making up my fronts sheet and I noticed the note about zombies and they clicked together.
Also while I was making up that front sheet I started coming up with a background story about Threeway and the economy of the holdings in his bailiwick. And when I found myself hinging the stability of the region on the force of his organization I knew he had to go.
nods Yep, that’s exactly how that should work. Awesome.
Zombienapping in the Overland Park Wasteland
I have been lax on my updates, our last session was on 1/29/13 when I was on vacation. So I procrastinated and never did my update. Last Tuesday on 2/5/13 there was only 3 present so we decided to play Do:Pilgrims of the Flying Temple. That was a blast, I like that game Daniel Solis is pretty awesome. Now back to the wastelands of Overland Park, KS.
On Jan 22nd we ended with the capture of the clubhouse that belonged to Half Pint and the Sons of the Apocalypse. Kim and Fifi use the same internet connection to play with us and they disconnected just near the end of the session. I never found out what Kim was up to when Wire announced she was having a gang orgy.
On Jan 29th Wire’s player couldn’t make it. But everyone else was there; Grip the Angel, Kim the Driver, Fifi the Gunlugger and Dent the Faceless.
I wanted to clarify what happened at the end of the last session so I started with Kim. Kim said she went outside to sit in her truck and watch Checker and Fifi with the looting. She wasn’t into the group thing tonight. I gave her some description and she didn’t care about Checker being merciless. She was just sitting on the hood of her tank drinking hootch. I described Checker getting on his bike and driving out to where Half Pints body lay, Fifi announced he was following on his bike. Half Pint was shot in the head with a sniper rifel she was well and truly dead when Checker shot her again. He then drives back to the clubhouse. Fifi looks at her specially customized bike that allowed a little person to ride it. He ignored that and left it in the dust. However he stripped off her jacket and found a metal flask in her pocket. When he smelled it it was actual whiskey inside. I told him that was worth a barter. But he brought it back and shared it with Kim and Checker. He also took Half Pints jacket and cut off the Son’s colors and replaced it with the colors of Wires gang. He then hung it like a flag from the roof of the clubhouse. None of this had interesting failure so I didn’t have anyone roll for anything. The night passes and Dent wakes up with the dawn. He looks around and sees bikers and prostitutes naked and unconscious scattered across the barroom. I mention wickedly that he sees the mirror behind the bar. Dent walks over to the mirror and splashes some hootch on it and rubs a spot clean with his sleeve – looks his mask in the face and has a chat with Norman. He wants to know what he should do about the zombies in the mall. Well he blows the roll and I get to have some fun. I figure Norman is going to have his own agenda here. Telling Dent to go kill the shit out of some stuff is not going to be any different than what he would want to do anyway. So instead I have Norman remind him that the zombies are people. They didn’t choose to be that way, they are victims of Joshua and the Cult. Dents player winces a little – making his faceless show mercy is just mean.
Dent gets the group together and he explains that the zombies are people. He wants to know if Grip can cure them. Grip says he has some theories but that’s it. He would need to examine one close up to know for sure. So they decide that is what they need to have happen. They drive out to the mall area but too far to be seen from the roof of the building and they park. Then Fifi and Kim sneak up on the place and try to get into a good position to stake the place out. They want to find a way to get a live zombie and bring it back for Grip to examine. Ok so I decide they are making two rolls here acting under fire and reading a sitch. They make both rolls at 10+. So they do it with no trouble and they get 3 questions. What’s my enemies true positionr? I describe the scene. There is a Chosen with a group of Beloved outside the Mall carrying rubbish over and nailing it up over entryways – fortifying the place. But there are big ass mounted machine guns on the roof with members of the Sons manning them. What’s my biggest threat? Those guns man. You will be exposing yourselves to danger from those guys if you mess up. Who’s in control here? It’s the Chosen of course. He is directing the Beloved in their work.
Kim says Fifi you’re a way better shot than me here’s the sniper rifle. Then she says I want to help him, I want to find some stuff lying around to hide the muzzle flash so we can take a shot and get away. Cool roll plus history. But just so you know. Doesn’t matter what you roll here you are exposing yourself to danger if you stay with Fifi when he takes the shot. If he blows it, that mounted machine gun is going to tear this hillside the fuck up. Yeah that’s cool I get it. Damn that girl was on fire she rolled another 10+. So then Fifi takes his shot, he has +3 cool and another +1 from Kim helping he takes out the Chosen and the roof guards have no idea. He sees a little pink cloud and the Chosen drops. The Beloved just keep doing what they were last ordered to do. Kim and Fifi return to the group and fill them in.
Now for the snatch and grab, they decide they want the tank. Dent is sitting at the gun turret and Kim is driving. Fifi is in the back with Grip. The tank is loud and slow there is no sneaking up on this part. They come barreling to the wall and Dent is helping Kim as she acts under fire. He is providing cover fire and she is driving under fire. I tell her there was too much planning and recon for this to be a daredevil feat so they have the normal armor of the truck And the whole group will be exposed to danger if she fucks up. Well shit she is good in a clinch so rolls vs sharp, adds her vehicles power and the help from Dent. The machine guns from the roof are blasting away but they are just not penetrating the tanks armor. But they’re scratching your nice paint job a bunch. Battle scars make it cooler she says lets do this shit.
As she screeches up under the building so the machine guns can’t aim down at them Grip lends a helping hand to Fifi and hangs onto him so he can help pull Fifi back in the truck once he makes his zombienapping. Again because Fifi is a combat veteran (taken from the Quarantine playbook) He rolls +3 cool +1 for Grip’s help.
They speed off with a zombie in the back. Dent wants to shoot the machine gunners on the roof. Kim says she’s driving so she wants to help Dent. Ok roll + HX. She asks if she can add her cars power since she is using her driving skilz to help. I’m a fan of her character so I think this is reasonable and she gives a +1 to dent.
Dent seizes of of the machine gunners life by force and takes definite hold of it. Dent shocks and dismays the other machine gunner and suffers little harm. We discuss the scene a little and go over the visuals of what it would look like in a movie.
Now Fifi and Grip have a pissed off Beloved in the back seat with them. They are preventing it from fulfilling it’s last orders and it’s struggling. Fifi tries to restrain her while Grip sedates her. They make this happen with an acting under fire roll. Fifi helping Grip. On the trip back to the clubhouse Grip is doing a Diagnosis.
I have him do a customer move. I use “read a person” as a basis so he rolls vs sharp. This devine waters taint is kind of like a drug. They need to be kept away from the tainted waters and given purified water and food. The patient will go through detox and could potentially die from withdrawals.
Then we do the session end stuffs.