28 thoughts on “Hey people”

  1. I feel like it’s a little dry for basis as a gaming perspective on post apocalyptic settings, but based on your description of your girlfriend’s tastes The Road seems appropriate.

  2. Clearly my three favourite post-apocalyptic films (Zombieland, the Matrix and Wall-E) aren’t going to cut it. How about ‘I am Legend’ ?

    The issue is Post-apocalyptic is such a wide genre it can include almost anything.

    As an example most people wouldn’t think of ‘planet of the apes’ as post-apocalypse, but it is.

  3. My go-to post-apoc movie is Book of Eli. Beautiful landscapes, high octane spouts of action and a neat meta-physical element that I personally enjoyed. Plus it gives you a great Hardholder, Touchstone and Battlebabe. 🙂

  4. Dramatic??? “The Road” of course. 

    And to watch without her because of its more action genre (I should have said “barbaric”): “The salute of the Jugger” aka “The blood of heroes” enjoy, Tim.

  5. Not a movie, but an Anime that I think is fun has the unfortunate title of ‘Desert Punk’ (the name sounds much cooler in Japanese).  Hunger Games is a very different kind of post apocalypse setting.  But if you really want a good feel for what the post apocalypse will turn out to be, just look at the middle ages, especially the early years (Rome falling was pretty drastic).

  6. The Road Warrior is such an essential post-apocalyptic movie that I tend to assume everyone has seen it. It’s a must.

    I always viewed 28 Days Later as more post-apocalyptic than zombie movie (though obviously most zombies movies are post-apocalyptic).

    At the other end of the spectrum there’s always Six-String Samurai and The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell.

  7. Mad Max isn’t really a post-apocalypse movie in most respects. It’s set at a point where society’s just tilting into chaos and collapse. It’s The Road Warrior that first moves into full on post-apocalypse, and I think Beyond Thunderdome actually captures more of the over-the-top gonzo post-apocalypse atmosphere that’s traditionally associated with the franchise (and the genre, in some corners).

    Another classic: Charlton Heston in The Omega Man. Not a great film, really, but it made a strong impression on me when I was younger. (It’s a fairly loose adaptation of I Am Legend, apparently, though I didn’t know it at the time.)

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