So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what…

So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what…

So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what playbooks match up with what fictional characters.  At the time, no one seemed to be able to come up with a fictional example of the Solace.  I think I may have one now: Doctor Who.  To me, it fits really well.  He travels around solving problems without violence, on the whole tilting the scales of the universe towards happiness and harmony, and he’s constantly pursued by freaky things.  I mean, if the Angels aren’t wolves of the Maelstrom, I don’t know what is. Anyone have any other examples?

One thought on “So I can’t remember where I was reading it, but somewhere online there was a nice, big discussion about what…”

  1. Actually  for Dr. Who, the silence would be the wolves in my opinion.  I think in the movie serenity, River might have been a Solace.  I think Patrick Swayze might be a solace, those shadow things were freaky.  The Spirit might have also been a solace with Lady Death being the wolves.  In Sandman, Morpheus definitely could have been a Solace with the Furies being the wolves.  

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