I am looking for the discussion about X,Y and Z balacaning between apocalypse world playbooks – does someone have…

I am looking for the discussion about X,Y and Z balacaning between apocalypse world playbooks – does someone have…

I am looking for the discussion about X,Y and Z balacaning between apocalypse world playbooks – does someone have the link?

8 thoughts on “I am looking for the discussion about X,Y and Z balacaning between apocalypse world playbooks – does someone have…”

  1. It sounded like you were speaking about ability balance.  I always like AW partially because it didn’t care if one character was more powerful than another.  The whole idea to me was that the moves would allow you to do awesome stuff some times, while other times you fail and interesting stuff happens because of it.

  2. We’re talking about the balance that Vincent used to make the playbooks, that’s what the link is, a thread he made about how the playbooks are balanced.

  3. Thinking about it, The Wrangler probarbly has high mechanical power but next to none fictionaly and maybe a bit mindshare. 

    The Beast Master has high mindshareness power, he has a freaking monster and that makes him cool i think. His mechanical power is so-so. You can do a lot of stuff but it can really horribly go wrong. 

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