Toying with the conjunction of d6 and *W. For those unfamiliar with d6, it is a dice pool system where you total up your pool to beat a target number that sits in a five point range. For those unfamiliar with *W, it is a two die system where going below 6 is all bad, going between 7-9 is kinda bad, and getting over 10 is great.
My thinking is that you could easily couple the two systems and create a system that models varying difficulty task resolution with strong genre emulation. My testbed for this will be my next attempt at Boarsdraft. It is a combination of Mini Six and *W that gives me the feel I think I am looking for. I added a bit from Burning Wheel as well by giving players the ability to make moves when they score 6 better than their target difficulty.
I think there could be some traction there although I am unfamiliar (don’t hurt me) w/ the D6 system you are using.
I think the D6 mentioned is along the lines of shadow run.
It is a similar system to the old d6 Star Wars.
There are bands of partial success based on difficulty.
Very Easy: 1-5
Easy: 5-10
Moderate: 10-15
Difficult: 14-20
Very Difficult: 19-25
Heroic: 23-30
Epic: 28-35
Legendary 32-40
If you fall below the difficulty the GM sets you fail and the GM makes a hard move. If you fall within the difficulty you succeed and the GM makes a hard move. If you exceed the difficulty you succeed, no hard move. If you succeed +6 you get to make a soft move.
This has pedigree from early D&D as well in the various reaction rolls. More discussion here:
Brendan Strejcek I had no idea that stuff was in D&D. Very cool.