


I’m new to this group, but a big fan of AW. I’m from Brasil, so my english is not so good, sorry for that! =]

I don’t know if there is already a Discussion about this in here, but I’m very curious about the best questions that you guys pose as MC, when someone opens their brain to the psychic maesltrom!

Some times, in the heat of the play, I don’t came up with some really good questions. Some times, their are great! I know that the best approach is to dig deep into the characters issue, but I’d love to hear from you, some inspirational stuff!



7 thoughts on “Hello!”

  1. First two things I ask are “how do you open your brain…” And “why?”

    I mean, you just woke up today thinking “well, I think I’m gonna open my brain to the world psychic maelstrom this morning. After breakfast, of course”.

    How do you know the existence of the maelstrom (or wathever it is in your game)?

    In my last game Diamond Blues chopper gang leader opened for the first time her brain. She had never show interest in such things, but recently she swapped her body with the operator and learned that there is something else around them.

    She needs to find out what is it, so she start touching herself focusing on the desire to understand what’s going on.

    I asked her if she likes her life (she has been banned from the local hardholder, living a nomadic life), she told me she thinks she deserve something better from life than raiding in the wasteland.

    I ask her what does she see, what it feels like. She see angels copulating (ok, not all ages game) and feels like it is refreshing and that a change in her life it is possible.

    The gunlugger sees a medieval battleground, everyone is dead, except a wounded enemy knight.

    I asked if he wants revenge (in reference to another player character).

    Ok, Probably I’m missing the point…

    Ask what you think it’s interesting, look at what they have done, what happened.

    If you mean questions in general (not related to the psychic m.), you can start from the more obvious things like “hey gunlugger, where did you get your AP ammo?” To “do you think you come from another dimension?”

    P.s. My english is terrible, not yours.

  2. Some good advice I read before, I think it was from Mr. Koebel, which is to write your ideas down on a list or cards for later use; this could easily apply to Questions.  The way the game is played means having them on hand is very useful, but you have to wait for the write time to use them.

  3. When my players make an “open my brain” move for the first time, I just ask them what it’s like for them. Then I expand on that and tweak it and push it further so I get a sense of how each PCs take combines. For example, when a player said her Skinner experienced the maelstrom as an over-ripe garden, I asked about how things smelled and described the lush almost rotten colors and when things went badly it was an attack of wasps. Another player in the same scene saw the maelstrom as all outlines and very cartoonish, so he saw the same attack as two-dimensional knives flying through the air and everything really only had two sides.

    Questions to ask:

    What does it feel like?

    Have you ever been here before?

    What’s different here now from last time you touched the maelstrom?

    Who’s here with you that you did not expect?

    There’s a sound – what is it?

    What patterns do you see?

    There’s something here that’s been left just for you – what is it?

  4. Wow! I loved the sugestions!

    Good Stuff, it helped a lot! =]

    Specially the kind of question that the Psychic Maelstrom asks back to the character when he opens his brain.

    I’ll do a list with the ideas to keep me inspired during the sessions!

    Thank you all!


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