Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC. I think it could very easily be done… hell, you could basically run it as Monsterhearts.

9 thoughts on “Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.”

  1. You know I’ve been thinking in depth about this concept for a while. I’m thinking about making a whole new game out of the bickering of politicians. (You know not everything has to be a hack of Apocalypse World.) Let me share with you a bit of what I was thinking about this kind of game:

    One of the things that makes politics actually run in the United Stated is the agreement to bargains. “I’ll sign on to your bill if you throw in a rider that allows my state X.” There is potential there in Undying’s favor mechanic. Though someone other than me would need to determine the resource that could be needed  That’s basically all that’s needed. Everything else can in theory but a variation on that very simple resource. 

    Constitute Support, Party Support, Fundraising –  these are the only things needed to  continue to hold office.. They are also the  things that makes politics function. I think the rules would need to be real lax. Just some simple tracker stats to hold onto the the mechanical aspects of the narrative experience. Maybe your books could represent political belief structures. (From left to right) Socialist, Green, Democratic, Republician, Libertarian, Neo-Conservative.

    Very little boxes, the rest is all clouds. Good luck hacking it for AW I hope those thoughts could spur your way. Have fun creating it, and don’t worry about producing a finished product.

    Also, read and 

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