This is the Alpha file of Zombie World, my Apocalypse World hack with specific moves and playbooks for a general zombie apocalypse. I’m looking for playtesters as well as any comments or advice on how to make this file better. Please feel free to look through the files, download them, print them, and use them; just tell me how it turns out! is the Alpha file of Zombie World, my Apocalypse World hack with specific moves and playbooks for a general…
This is the Alpha file of Zombie World, my Apocalypse World hack with specific moves and playbooks for a general…
At first glance this is totally awesome Eddie Gibbs! Great job, and I hope to have the chance to delve deeper into it, and perhaps give it a play test.
Thank you sir! I am eager to hear your constructive criticism!
Hey, looks great! I’ve always wanted to create something like that.
Eddie Gibbs! Thank you! Been looking for a more complete Zombie game?
Have you looked at the one:
from Andrew Medeiros? May help you!
Also, if you need help designing these in tri-fold playbook style, I would love too (probably will for myself if you don’t anyways.)
Can’t wait to look this over. I was considering getting back into designing my zombie hack but would prefer to see what you do with it. If I can help in any way please let me know. And take up Tommy on his offer, he’s a graphical genius and very passionate contributor.
@Tommy yes I would love to see what you could do about making my roles into tri-fold! Can you do a regular layout, too, like Dungeon World?
Andrew Medeiros the best thing you can do to help me is play the game! Post an AP report and tell me what worked and what didn’t. My two biggest areas of concern right now are the bonds and the Scenario Moves. I’d also like to see how the roles interact with each other, and I hope each one is fun to play (I’m concerned the Doctor and Scholar may not be fun enough).
Andrew Medeiros and Eddie Gibbs, sorry if I was putting either of you on the spot. I love great Hacks and find that the best work so far has been collaboration with others. The community per se.
Eddie Gibbs, I love what you have done so far but the one thing I am missing from Andrew Medeiros’s if we do go down to one hack is the Infection counter. I find having such a counter adds to the dramatic feel and desperation of the genre. Something a lot of games seem to miss for Zombies.
I almost think some kind of counter where if i take any damage (zombie or not) it goes to wounds/vitality/hp/whatever, but if it happens to be from a zombie it goes to a second lesser counter.
I see you are also stressing ammo …. stress it more. There is nothing worse than playting a zombie game where bullets are flying like a Rambo movie.
Eddie Gibbs Here is an example of what I did for the ‘Hood.
James (the creator) is doing a revamp of the player rules and the MC section, so those sections are incomplete.
And yes, we can talk about a more standard layout for the book layout.
Tommy, that layout looks KILLER! I’d love to see what you could do with my hack. The biggest thing of course are the playbooks; I think they’re a crucial part of Apocalypse Engine games, so the better those come out, the better the whole game will be.
I agree that some kind of sanity/stress/freak out system should be a part of the game. I’m (not so)patiently waiting for Sean Preston to publish tremulus so I can see how he handled sanity in a Lovecraftian horror Apocalypse Engine game, I think that could give me some good clues. I give a little nod to the concept in the Shoot a Zombie basic move. It uses Cool instead of Sharp, representing having to stay calm to aim your weapon at a shambling undead monster bee-lining it towards you. But working on something more psychological is definitely at the top of my to-do list.
Glad you like the ammo thing. I jacked it straight from Dungeon World, but added a few more options to make ammo disappear faster. I want to give the option for game groups to play a “spray and pray” apocalypse but by default I want the players to be counting shots and scavenging ruins for bullets.
Tommy Rayburn did we talked about a zombie apocalypse hack on the Aw forum?!
Lenny Pacelli Maybe, I have posted on quite a few post.
Eddie Gibbs The one thing that needs work though are your actions moves, they are very …. “confining.” You don’t get much room for choices and your choices don’t leave room for RP. I think you have great start, but keep expanding on them.
One thing about AW is that how you attack was so open, and how it was interpreted was even more open. For this game, i can hear my player’s yelling “shoot zombie,” “shoot zombie,” “shoot zombie”
If you are looking to add a sanity kind of meter, I would remove the “shoot human” all together and just make an option in the attack move that killing defenseless humans adds insanity points..
Lenny Pacelli I am guessing you are WildL? If so, yes I did!
Lenny Pacelli Is this your thread?
If so, yes I did reply.
@Tommy Rayburn yes! Nice to meet you here!
I’d guess @eddie gibbs hack is the kind of thing you were looking for!
Lenny Pacelli, Eddie Gibbs has a great start, but at least for me it has a long way to go to really pull off the genre. Right now it misses that desperation, horror, and hardship of surviving that both yours and Andrew Medeiros’s hacks have. I know for both of you though, you guys were running a few one off’s while Eddie Gibbs is actually looking to put a long standing hack in.
Ideally I would love to see both of you guys allow Eddie Gibbs to borrow some of your concepts and moves, and hopefully there he could start piecing together a great Hack for all of us to enjoy. This is just my opinion though.
Eddie Gibbs If you find something interesting or inspiring in what I have done feel free to take it!
Tommy Rayburn I think Eddie has many interesting ideas. Maybe, as you saye, putting it all together with what Andrew Medeiros has done could create something great. Or maybe not, who knows?.
I think all three of us have imagined the same kind of concept/feeling for our own game, but when it came to write moves and stuff we focused on developing some aspects deeply than others.
Lenny Pacelli My suggestion for Eddie Gibbs is to at least read and evaluate what has been done by both yourself and Andrew Medeiros. As you said, it may not work …. but, he may find a match made in heaven.