I made an introductory brochure for Apocalypse World.

I made an introductory brochure for Apocalypse World.

I made an introductory brochure for Apocalypse World. Why? Because I am a nerd (and I literally have NOTHING to do at work!)

I’m going to print about dozen or so off and hand them out at PAX East next weekend. If you see me and I have any left, I will give you one.

10 thoughts on “I made an introductory brochure for Apocalypse World.”

  1. I have 3 of these playbooks left, printed on legal size paper. If you would like me to send you one, email me your address (nerdwerds AT gmail) and I will send it to you in the mail. Obviously, the first 3 get dibs, everybody else will have to settle for the pdf.

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