I thought this was cool.

I thought this was cool.

I thought this was cool.

Originally shared by Darcy Boyd

For some reason I was over taken by the urge to make Apocalypse World images from characters in Firefly for every playbook. Totally not a waste of my time!

To be fair, it would have been even less worth my time if I’d put in the effort to emulate Vincent’s style. At first glance they may seem to be just images shoved through Threshold in photoshop, but Vincent’s images are much nicer than that.

Anyway, onto the meat.

Yes. A lot of these are pretty dumb stretches. I’m just disappointed I couldn’t get a proper Hocus.I also wish Early was represented here. but if anything he was a Battlebabe.

Oh, that’s another thing. A lot of these would have actually been Threats, not PC’s but who cares? If I stuck only to PC’s I wouldn’t have been able to hit all 18 playbooks.

That’s right, the Marmot’s even in there. Well, sort of. Less of an actual Marmot, adn more of a pun-joke-thing that still makes me laugh so I let it slide.

I couldn’t get a very good Faceless either. I figured the Revers where close enough though.

Ha, I almost forgot about the Quarantine. Yeah, that guys not a a Quarantine at all, but it was just to good to pass up.

Sorry, I’m just going off on you guys.

Rant over.

(I’m pretty unhappy with the Hoarder)


7 thoughts on “I thought this was cool.”

  1. Book as the Touchstone is so fucking perfect, likewise Inara as the Solace (right down to the private shuttle and the way she can’t simply disarm Mal’s primary mode of operation, because Cool still works fine).

  2. You can definitely share Alexander Gwilt-cox. Tim Groth, for the most part this comes from how a lot of the playbooks are actually directly inspired (or at least influenced) by the Firefly crew. In the words of Vincent Baker 9 of 11. Course later he decided that the Hocus didn’t perfectly fit Book and made the Touchstone. (I realize Book wasn’t the only inspiration for the Touchstone)

    Course I wanted to include every playbook with no duplicates so I needed a different Hocus, and I made a whole post earlier debating where to put Inara.

    Wow.. I really do tend to ramble.

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