Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The…

Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The…

Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The Apocalypse” to spread the news is allowed? Is ti welcome? Is it frowned upon?

I do have one I’d like to introduce to English-speaking players (and, why not, designers).

19 thoughts on “Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The…”

  1. Yes, Ezio Melega , I’m talking about Dilemma #dilemmarpg .

    The manual that tonight will get a few more hours of my time so I can (at last!) complete the 9th revision of Wing Sheets and make it finally playable for English Speakers via hangout. ^_-

  2. Meguey Baker , I owe you a full game via hangout since December: you’ll have top priority over anyone else!

    A full game should take 2 or 3 sessions (3 hours each).

    Hangout slows a bit down the game, but it’s already tested and it works 100% OK! ^_^

    We already played Kagematsu (remember?) so I already know I can successfully take on a game hangout in English… everyone else will have to bear with my accent. ^_-

  3. Gregor Vuga : yes, it’s more or less the same concept.

    It’s a “deep hack”: it has “if you do this, roll 2d6+modifier and check the table”, but it also has a lot of original rules…

    …where “original” means “mix-and-match from a dozen other games, then playtest a lot and see what does work and what not”. XD

  4. Games are like LEGO – once you really know all the pieces, you can put them together in interesting ways that are totally original and cool, even though it’s all the same pieces that other folks have used before.

  5. Mattia Bulgarelli, if you ever ended up needing English speaking players with some Dilemma experience already to play with Meguey Baker… makes puppy eyes pleease consider me!

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