Have any of you used the Optional Battle Moves much?

Have any of you used the Optional Battle Moves much?

Have any of you used the Optional Battle Moves much? I have been playing AW for about a year and a half now and have never MC-ed or played in a game that used it. Mostly cause it confuses and intimidates me. What are your thoughts and experiences? What is the greatest strength and weakness of these moves?

9 thoughts on “Have any of you used the Optional Battle Moves much?”

  1. My game is currently building toward that as the players have pissed off a large biker gang, and the town guards are defecting. I’m a little concerned once I get there, but I’m not too worried.

  2. I’ve never used them (as a player or Mc).

    Also, I’ve run games with large groups fights using only the basic moves and it all went smooth and nice.

  3. I’ve used them a handful of times over maybe 15-or-so AW sessions. I find they’re mostly useful when a fight and its outcome is highly uncertain and climactic, to increase the suspense and number of twists generated in the fight – the snowball’s velocity, if you will.

    I don’t feel they’re absolutely critical to the game though, and we didn’t miss them at all in Monsterhearts.

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