Weird Driver expanded Playbook

Weird Driver expanded Playbook

Weird Driver expanded Playbook

The Partner

When your car has been possessed by the Spirits/Wolves of the Psychic Maelstorm… 

Choose the spirit 

The Lovebug; Want; want: sexual Energy 

Christine; want: Murder

Kitt; want: secrets

Bumblebee; want: Chaos

Cars Hunger 

Your car begins with hunger=0. 

Every time you use No Shit Driver, it hunger increases by 1.

If it hunger reaches 4+ you can’t use any of your moves relating to it anymore until you 

If you fullfill one of it’s wants give it -1 hunger. 

Driven by Ghosts: When you tell your car to do something or get something for you, roll +Weird 

On a 10+ choose both 

On a 7-9 choose 1 

– You get exactly what you asked for

– It doesn’t increase it’s hunger by 1 

 On a miss, your car goes immediately to hunger+4. 

Additional Moves


Tell the spirit in your car what it needs to become, give it enough material, wait a night and give it +2 hunger. 

You can then recreate the Car , give it a new profile, frame, strenghts, weaknesses and looks. 

Spirit in the Machine: you seek the advice of your car. Roll+weird to see what it directs you to do. On a 10+ mark experience and take a +1 if you do as your car wishes. On a 7–9, take a +1 if you do what it wants and act under fire if you don’t. On a miss, it has its own agenda and act under fire if you don’t follow it. 


Parasitic Partnership: When you have fullfiled your cars hunger, take +1 forward.  

7 thoughts on “Weird Driver expanded Playbook”

  1. Tim Franzke Have you seen The Wraith starring Charlie Sheen? This reminded me of that.

    I think I would change Spirit in the Machine to just give the car +insight. But otherwise it’s good. Definitely has a “I made a pact with the devil, and the devil is my car” kind of feel.

    I like it!

  2. A nice little thing i noticed. When you loose Reconfiguration you loose the stat boosts you got from working on it at a Workplace. That’s cool. All the care you put into it get’s lost when you say “naah, i don’t like you like this anymore”

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