Ran the first play test tonight with Anton Dominic, Steve Moore, and John Layton with an appearance of Andrew Medeiros. Game went rather well, we have lots of work to do, and a lot done!
Move of the night! Steve Moore’s Werewolf attacks a local gang in a park, racing his bike through the middle of their group to scatter them out. As he rushes through, he is forced to make a choice to either wreck his bike or run over a 6 year old blowing out her birthday cake. What do you think he did? Well, at least he manned up and marked corruption.
Wolfed up, that is. I never said he was a badass with a heart of gold, but yeah, he is going to hell on the express train.
Thanks for running!
Steve Moore Hope it was enjoyable, I have a lot to learn.
Game sounded pretty darn good from my end. Keep up the good work!